
From Lexicon Leponticum
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Reading in transliteration: ]??ṭ??[
Reading in original script: ]??T d??[
Variant reading: ]??10??[
]??10 (character) d??[

Object: MI·10 Milano (slab)
(Inscriptions: MI·10.1, MI·10.2, MI·10.3, MI·10.4, MI·10.5, MI·10.6, MI·10.7, MI·10.8)
Position: right-hand side
Direction of writing: dextroverse
Script: North Italic script
Letter height: 1.4 cm0.551 in <br />
Number of letters: 5
Number of words: 1
Number of lines: 1
Workmanship: carved
Condition: fragmentary, damaged

Archaeological culture: unknown [from object]
Date of inscription: unknown [from object]

Type: unknown
Language: unknown
Meaning: unknown

Alternative sigla: Solinas 1995: 104 c
Morandi 2004: 140 c

Sources: Morandi 2004: 615–617 no. 140 c



First published in Tibiletti Bruno 1986: 105. Examined for LexLep (on the original and on the cast) on 26th April 2022.

Images in Tibiletti Bruno 1986: 100, fig. 1 (photo of a cast) and fig. 2 (drawing of the inscription as on the cast, hence retrograde = Solinas 1995: 365; mirrored in LexLep for easier comparison with the other images), Morandi 2004: 621, fig. 19.140a (drawing) and tav. XXI.140 a, c (photos), Zavaroni et al. 2014: 281, fig. 2 (drawing). The composite photos were made during the autopsy for Zavaroni et al. 2014 and were kindly provided by Alberto Zavaroni; the tracing of letters reflects the readings in that publication. Our photo is of the inscription on the cast kept by the Soprintendenza Milano.

Inscribed lengthwise below MI·10.1, right on the edge of the slab (length of the remains 7.7 cm); the letters are damaged along the abraded edge. The inscription may be incomplete on the right, where a piece of stone has chipped off; it also seems possible that up to four letters are missing on the left, where the edge is more heavily damaged. Tibiletti Bruno notes that due to the incomplete letters the orientation and writing direction are uncertain. She accordingly suggests various reading options which involve exclusively lambda, pi, upsilon and St. Andrew's cross (the options ultll and lutuu being mentioned by Solinas and Morandi, the latter comparing lutuu to lutou). See also Zavaroni et al. 2014: 293, no. 6 (sinistroverse ]lu ulu).

The middle letter clearly shows a hasta and a lengthy oblique bar and resembles the putative Roman (?) numeral 10 10 (character) s in MI·10.1. Judging by the remains of the letters, the ductus and letter height seem in fact quite similar to that of MI·10.1; the inscription may be from the same hand and belong with MI·10.1. The remains of the second letter from the left suggest the same orientation as in MI·10.1 and dextroverse direction to me. The remains of the first letter consist in a symmetrical triangle, possibly omicron O3 d as in MI·10.1 or inverted upsilon U3 d, which would be unusual in the Lepontic alphabet, but go with inverted lambda L2 d in MI·10.1. The hasta and longish bar which remain of the second letter may also be upsilon U9 d, lambda L2 d (though the bar is quite long), rho R3 d, or even alpha A d with a low second bar. The next two lines may form U3 d, but do not appear to meet at the top; of the last letter, only part of a hasta remains. It is not inconceivable that the strokes following and including the cross-shaped letter are numbers as in MI·10.1.

Corinna Salomon
