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Reading in transliteration: ]rkịụXIIIIurụXV
Reading in original script: U s10 (character) sU sR3 sU s1 (character) s1 (character) s1 (character) s1 (character) s10 (character) sU3 sI sK sR3 s[

Object: MI·10 Milano (slab)
(Inscriptions: MI·10.1, MI·10.2, MI·10.3, MI·10.4, MI·10.5, MI·10.6, MI·10.7, MI·10.8)
Position: left-hand side
Direction of writing: ambiguous
Script: North Italic script
Letter height: 3.5–7 cm1.378 in <br />2.756 in <br />
Number of letters: 13
Number of lines: 1
Workmanship: carved
Condition: damaged, fragmentary

Archaeological culture: unknown [from object]
Date of inscription: unknown [from object]

Type: unknown
Language: unknown
Meaning: unknown

Alternative sigla: Solinas 1995: 104 h
Morandi 2004: 140 h

Sources: Morandi 2004: 615–617 no. 140 h



First published in Tibiletti Bruno 1986: 107. Examined for LexLep (on the original and on the cast) on 26th April 2022.

Images in Tibiletti Bruno 1986: 100, fig. 1 (photo of a cast) and fig. 2 (drawing of the inscription as on the cast, hence retrograde = Solinas 1995: 365; mirrored in LexLep for easier comparison with the other images), Morandi 2004: 621, fig. 19.140a (drawing) and tav. XXI.140 a, c (photos), Zavaroni et al. 2014: 281, fig. 2 (drawing) and 285, fig. 3 (photo of section). The composite photos were made during the autopsy for Zavaroni et al. 2014 and were kindly provided by Alberto Zavaroni; the tracing of letters reflects the readings in that publication. Our photo is of the inscription on the cast kept by the Soprintendenza Milano.

Inscribed on the left side of the slab, partly on the broken-off piece (length ca. 30 cm). The inscription may be incomplete in the beginning; the direction in which it is to be read is clear thanks to rho, but the orientation and hence writing direction are not. Tibiletti Bruno considers the inscription to be sinistroverse (thus inverted with regard to the orientation of the slab today). )rkiu after the breaking edge may also occur in MI·10.7. After the break between the two pieces, very large 1 (character) s1 (character) s1 (character) s1 (character) s10 (character) s is interpreted as a numeral by Tibiletti Bruno – cf. MI·10.1, in which the number 24 is also written with four 1 (character) ss. As pointed out by Zavaroni et al. 2014: 284, the wide and damaged break may conceal another St. Andrew's cross, so that the number may be the same. Then follows clearly legible R3 sU s and a space, which, according to Zavaroni and his photos, contains another, but faint U s. Then another St. Andrew's cross and another U s – the latter is offset, to avoid disturbing the last letter of MI·10.7 according to Tibiletti Bruno. Morandi assumes that )rkiu is a toponym like meśiolano in MI·10.1, the inscription naming a city which is 14 miles distant from Milano. He does not mention the other letters – indeed, the different orientation of upsilon sheds doubt on the two sequences )rkiuXIIII and uruXV (or urutu?) belonging to the same inscription. See also Zavaroni et al. 2014: 284 f., no. 2 (uruθ̣su XXIIII urụθu).

Corinna Salomon
