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Attestation: VB·26 (tunal/koimila) (1)
Language: Celtic
Word Type: proper noun

Grammatical Categories: indeterminable
Stem Class: ?

Morphemic Analysis: dūn-al or dunn-al (?)
Phonemic Analysis: /d/tu/ūn(n)al/
Meaning: unknown


See the inscription page for a discussion of the inscription's formular and the order of the names.

tunal is one of two forms in Cisalpine Celtic funerary inscriptions ending in -al, the other being ualaunal; in essence, what is said about that form also applies here. Cf. Markey & Mees 2003: 143

For the etymology of the presumable underlying onomastic element tun-, multiple options are available. Gaulish names in dun- are usually connected with dūn- 'fort'; names in dunn-, such as the nearest comparandum CIL V 5618 dunnonis (gen., Castelseprio – the name of the father of a surica), can be hypocoristics from names in dūn- with geminated /n/ (Lejeune 1971: 65, n. 228), or derived from dunn- 'brown'. Names in tunn- are rare and mainly attested in Africa, but a tunnius appears at Susa (CIL V 7311). See Ferrero 1897: 58, Rhŷs 1913: 53, Tibiletti Bruno 1975: 50, Tibiletti Bruno 1978c: 24, Tibiletti Bruno 1978: 152. Cf. tuni.


CIL Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. (17 volumes, various supplements)
Ferrero 1897 Ermanno Ferrero, "Iscrizioni di Chignolo Verbano", Atti della Società di Archeologia e Belle Arti per la provincia di Torino 7 (1897), 56–60.