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From Lexicon Leponticum
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  1. Joseph Francis Eska, Angelo O. Mercado, "Observations on verbal art in ancient Vergiate", Historische Sprachforschung 118 (2005), 160-184.
  2. Joseph F. Eska, Angelo O. Mercado, "More on the metrical structure in the inscription of Vergiate", Historische Sprachforschung 124 (2011), 227–238.
  3. Joseph Francis Eska, Rex E. Wallace, "The linguistic milieu of *Oderzo 7", Historische Sprachforschung 112 (1999), 122-136.
  4. Joseph F. Eska, Rex E. Wallace, "A syncretism in fieri in early Celtic", Indogermanische Forschungen 106 (2001), 229–240.
  5. Joseph F. Eska, Rex E. Wallace, "Script and language at ancient Voltino", Alessandria 5 (2011), 93–113.
  6. Joseph Francis Eska, Michael Weiss, "Segmenting Gaul. tomedeclai", Studia Celtica 30 (1996), 289-292.
  7. Joseph Francis Eska, "Interpreting the Gaulish inscription of Voltino", Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 36 (1989), 106-107.
  8. Joseph F. Eska, "The so-called weak or dental preterite in Continental Celtic, Watkins' law, and related matters", Historische Sprachforschung 103 (1990), 81–91.
  9. Joseph F. Eska, "Two notes on Continental Celtic", Études Celtiques 27 (1990), 191–195.
  10. Joseph F. Eska, "The demonstrative stem *isto- in Continental Celtic", Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 44 (1991), 70–73.
  11. Joseph F. Eska, "Observations on the thematic genitive singular in Lepontic and Hispano-Celtic", in: Joseph F. Eska, R. Geraint Gruffydd, Nicolas Jacobs (eds), Hispano-Gallo-Brittonica. Essays in honour of Professor D. Ellis Evans on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday, Cardiff: University of Wales Press 1995, 33–46.
  12. Joseph Francis Eska, "-", review of: Pierre-Yves Lambert, La langue gauloise, Paris: Errance 1994., Studi Celtici 36 (1996), 330-332.
  13. Joseph F. Eska, "The linguistic position of Lepontic", in: Benjamin K. Bergin, Madelaine C. Plauché, Ashlee Bailey (eds), Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Special Session on Indo-European Subgrouping and Internal Relations, Berkeley, CA: 1998, 2–11.
  14. Joseph Francis Eska, "Tau Gallicum", Studia Celtica 32 (1998), 115-127.
  15. Josef Francis Eska, "PIE *p (doesn't become) Ø in proto Celtic", Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 58 (1998), 63-80.
  16. Joseph Francis Eska, "Phonology meets syntax in Naintré (Vienne)", Historische Sprachforschung 113 (2000), 199-209.
  17. Joseph Francis Eska, "Further to Vercelli śo=", Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 52 (2001), 134-136.
  18. Joseph F. Eska, "Continental Celtic", in: Roger D. Woodard (ed.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World's Ancient Languages, Cambridge: CUP 2004, 847–880.
  19. Joseph F. Eska, "The genitive plural desinence in Celtic and dialect geography", Die Sprache 46/2 (2006), 229–235.
  20. Joseph Francis Eska, "The emergence of the Celtic languages", in: Martin J. Ball, Nicole Müller (eds), The Celtic Languages, 2nd edition, London – New York: Routledge 2009, 22–27.
  21. Joseph Francis Eska, "Remarks on the 3. plural preterite in -us in Continental Celtic", Die Sprache 47,1 (2007–2008 [2009]), 108–119.
  22. Joseph F. Eska, "A salvage grammar of Galatian", Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 60 (2013), 51–63.
  23. Joseph F. Eska, "—", review of: Juan Luis García Alonso (ed.), Continental Celtic Word Formation. The Onomastic Data, Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca 2013., Journal of Celtic linguistics 16 (2015), 140–148.
  24. Joseph F. Eska, "Phonological contrasts and character reduction in the alphabet of Lugano", Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 64,1 (2017), 59–80.
  25. Joseph F. Eska, "Laryngeal Realism and the prehistory of Celtic", Transactions of the Philological Society 116 (2018), 320–331.
  26. Joseph F. Eska, "Vergiateter", in: Adam Alvah Catt, Ronald I. Kim, Brent Vine (eds), QAZZU warrai. Anatolian and Indo-European Studies in Honor of Kazuhiko Yoshida, Ann Arbor / New York: Beech Stave Press 2019, 50–58.
  27. Joseph F. Eska, R. Geraint Gruffydd, Nicolas Jacobs (eds), Hispano-Gallo-Brittonica. Essays in honour of Professor D. Ellis Evans on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday, Cardiff: University of Wales Press 1995.
  28. María José Estarán Tolosa, Emmanuel Dupraz, Michel Aberson (eds), Des mots pour les dieux. Dédicaces cultuelles dans les langues indigènes de la méditerranée occidentale, Berne: Peter Lang 2021.
  29. D. Ellis Evans, "Nomina celtica II. Duratius, tincorix, ? Celt. *baido-, W. aladur", Études Celtiques 12.2 (1970), 501–511.
  30. D. Ellis Evans, "A comparison of the formation of some Continental and early Insular Celtic personal names", Études Celtiques 13/1 (1972), 171–193.
  31. D. Ellis Evans, "Some Remarks on the Study of Old Celtic Proper Names", in: Roland Bielmeier, Reinhard Stempel (eds), Indogermanica et Caucasica. Festschrift für Karl Horst Schmidt zum 65. Geburtstag [= Untersuchungen zur indogermanischen Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft 6], Berlin – New York: De Gruyter 1994, 306–315.
  32. Walther von Wartburg, Französisches etymologisches Wörterbuch, Bâle: 1922–2002.
  33. Ariodante Fabretti, "-", Gazzetta Ufficiale del Regno d'Italia 80 (1864, April 2).
  34. Grazia Facchinetti, Cristina Miedico (eds), Di città in città. Insediamenti, strade e vie d'acqua da Milano alla Svizzera lungo la Mediolanum - Verbannus, Milano: Soprintendenza Archeologia della Lombardia 2015.
  35. Alexander Falileyev, Celtic Dacia, Aberystwyth: CMCS 2009.
  36. Alexander Falileyev, Dictionary of Continental Celtic Place-Names. A Celtic Companion to the Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World, Aberystwyth: CMCS 2010.
  37. Alexander Falileyev, "The Gaulish Word for 'Thin' and Some Personal Names from Roman Siscia", Studia Celtica 48 (2014), 107–137.
  38. Alexander Falileyev, "Divine names from Latin inscriptions of Istria: some considerations", in: Ralph Haeussler, Anthony King (eds), Celtic religions in the Roman period. Personal, local, and global, Aberystwyth: 2017, 419–439.
  39. Alexander Falileyev, "Professore Giovanni Rhys and some of his Gleanings in the Italian Field of Celtic Epigraphy", Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 77 (2019), 97–110.
  40. Margit Falkner, "Die norischen Personennamen auf -u und ihre kulturgeschichtliche Bedeutung", in: Wilhelm Brandenstein (Ed.), Frühgeschichte und Sprachwissenschaft, Wien: Gerold 1948, 39-54.
  41. Ermanno Ferrero, "Regione XI. (Transpadana)", Notizie degli Scavi di Antichità (1889), 261–262.
  42. Ermanno Ferrero, "Iscrizioni di Chignolo Verbano", Atti della Società di Archeologia e Belle Arti per la provincia di Torino 7 (1897), 56–60.
  43. Silvio Ferri, "Esigenze Archeologiche VIII", Studi Orientali e Classici 16 (1967), 431-432.
  44. Ann T. E. Matonis, Daniel Frederick Melia, Celtic language, Celtic culture. Festschrift for Eric P. Hamp, Van Nuys: Ford & Bailie 1990.
  45. Nino Lamboglia (Ed.), Atti dell’Incontro di Studio su: La Monetazione Preromana dell’Italia Settentrionale: Approvvigionamento del Metallo, Coniazione, Circolazione. Bordighera, 16 - 17 settembre 1994, Omaggio a Nino Lamboglia, Bordighera: Museo Bicknell 1996.
  46. Maria Grazia Marzi Costagli, Luisa Tamagno Perna (eds), Studi di antichità in onore di Guglielmo Maetzke, Roma: Bretschneider 1984.
  47. Bartolomeo Nogara, Scritti in Onore di Bartolomeo Nogara Raccolti in Occasione del suo LXX Anno, Città del Vaticano: 1937.
  48. Antonio Tovar, Homenaje a Antonio Tovar. ofrecido por sus discípulos, colegas y amigos, Madrid: Gredos 1972.
  49. unknown (ed.), Antidoron: Festschrift Jacob Wackernagel zur Vollendung des 70. Lebensjahres gewidmet von Schülern, Freunden und Kollegen, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1923.
  50. Giovanni Flechia, "D'un'iscrizione celtica trovata nel Novarese", Rivista Contemporanea Nazionale Italiana 38 (1864), 231–257.