Dictionary of Attested Forms
From Lexicon Leponticum
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Below, you can find a comprehensive collection of all word forms in inscriptions with relevance for the study of Cisalpine Celtic.
At the moment, there are 631 forms included in Lexicon Leponticum.
See Conventions and Abbreviations for transliteration conventions.
You may filter for:
- Word forms classified as Lepontic (50)
- Word forms classified as Cisalpine Gaulish (38)
- Word forms classified as unspecified Celtic (387)
- Word forms classified as Celtic (including Lepontic and Cisalpine Gaulish) (475)
- Word forms classified as Latin (9)
- Word forms without linguistic classification (132)
See also the Reverse dictionary for a list ordering the forms alphabetically from the last letter.
Full list of word forms contained in Lexicon Leponticum
Word | Word type | Translation | Status | Language |
a?( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
a? | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
aai | proper noun | "to A(i)a?" | Lepontic | |
aasin | unclear | unknown | unknown | |
acetabla | noun | 'vinegar bowls' | Latin | |
)ae?( | undeterminable | unknown | uncertain | unknown |
aev | beginning of alphabet | unknown | ||
aes | proper noun | abbreviation of a name "Aes..." | Celtic | |
aesia | proper noun | 'Aesia' | uncertain | Celtic |
azus | proper noun | 'Azus' | uncertain | Celtic |
ai | undeterminable | undeterminable | uncertain | unknown |
aiero | prob. proper noun | 'Aiero' (?) | uncertain | unknown |
ai??ro | prob. proper noun | "Ai(...)o(s)"? | Celtic | |
)ais( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
aiut( | prob. proper noun | 'Aiut[' | probable | Celtic |
ak | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
akeśi | proper noun | 'of Akeś(i)os' | Celtic | |
)aki??ios | proper noun | '°ak??ios' | Celtic | |
acisius | proper noun | "Akisios" | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
akisios | proper noun | "Akisios" | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
akitu | unclear | 'Akitu' or 'arranged' | Celtic | |
akiui | proper noun | 'for Akios' | Celtic | |
)akle( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
akluśamoualos | proper noun | 'Akluśamoualos' | Celtic | |
akplu | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
)akur( | undeterminable | unknown | Lepontic | |
al | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
alauki | proper noun | "of Alaukos" | unknown | |
alaukos | proper noun | "Alaukos" | Celtic | |
alieis | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
alios | proper noun | 'Alios' | Celtic | |
alkouesi | proper noun | 'of Alkouesos' | probable | Transalpine Gaulish |
alkouinos | proper noun | 'Alkouinos' | Celtic | |
)alui | proper noun | 'for the son of ...' | Celtic | |
amaśilu | proper noun | 'Amaśilu' | Celtic | |
amu? | undeterminable | unknown | probable | unknown |
an | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
)?an | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
ana | prob. proper noun | 'Ana' (?) | unlikely | Celtic |
anarekartos | proper noun | 'Anarekartos' | Celtic | |
anareuiśeos | proper noun | 'Anareuiśeos' | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
anask | undeterminable | - | uncertain | unknown |
anatikou | proper noun | 'Anatikou' (?) | probable | Celtic |
anisa | proper noun | 'Anisa' | Celtic | |
)aniui | proper noun | 'for °anios' | Celtic | |
anio | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
anteśilu | proper noun | 'Anteśilu' | Celtic | |
anokopokios | proper noun | 'Anokopokios' | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
ap | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
)apauatos | noun | unknown | Celtic | |
apios | proper noun | "Apios" | Celtic | |
apueso | prob. proper noun | 'Apueso' (?) | Celtic | |
aś | undeterminable | unknown | dubious | unknown |
aśeś | proper noun | abbreviation of a name "Aśeś(ios)"? | Lepontic | |
aśkoneti | proper noun | '(son) of Aśkonet(i)os' | Celtic | |
aśkonetio | proper noun | 'the Aśkonetian' | Celtic | |
aśmina | proper noun | Admina | Lepontic | |
aśoip( | undeterminable | unknown | dubious | unknown |
aśu? | undeterminable | unknown | unlikely | unknown |
aśuesa | proper noun | 'Aśuesa' | Celtic | |
aśouni | proper noun | 'of Aśounos' | probable | Celtic |
areuizies | proper noun | - | uncertain | Celtic |
argantocomaterecus | proper noun | "Argantokomaterekos" | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
ari | undeterminable | abbreviation of a name? | probable | unknown |
arimai | proper noun | 'to/for Arima' | uncertain | Celtic |
ariśai | proper noun | 'to/for Ariśa' | unlikely | Celtic |
ariuonepos | proper noun | - | Lepontic | |
arkatokomaterekos | proper noun | 'Argantokomaterekos' | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
arki | proper noun | 'of Ark(i)os' | probable | Celtic |
arpatimoi | noun | unknown | Celtic | |
)arsu | proper noun | '°arsu' | Celtic | |
art | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
artebuθz | proper noun | 'Artebuθz' | Celtic | |
artuaś | noun | the gravestones | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
artonis | proper noun | 'of Arto' | Celtic | |
aruki | proper noun | "of Arukos" | Celtic | |
as( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
as | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
ase | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
aststaz | verb | "he/she erected / placed (beside)" | Celtic | |
astuo | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
at | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
atai | proper noun | 'for Ata' | uncertain | Celtic |
atbiti | proper noun | 'of Atbit(i)us' | Celtic | |
ateknati | proper noun | 'of Ategnatos' | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
atecua | proper noun | 'Atekua' | Celtic | |
atekua | proper noun | 'Atekua' | Celtic | |
atep | proper noun | abbreviation | Celtic | |
atepa | proper noun | 'Atepa' | Celtic | |
atepu | proper noun | 'Atepu' | Celtic | |
ateporix | proper noun | 'Ateporiχs' | Celtic | |
ateratos | proper noun | 'Ateratos' | Celtic | |
aterio | proper noun | 'Aterio' | Celtic | |
ateuloipitus | proper noun | 'Ateuloipitus' | Celtic | |
atiaki | proper noun | "of Atiakos" | uncertain | Celtic |
atieki | proper noun | "of Atiekos" | uncertain | Celtic |
atilonei | proper noun | 'to/for Atilu' | Celtic | |
atiss | proper noun | abbreviation (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
atios | proper noun | 'Atios' | Celtic | |
atlatu | proper noun | "Atlatu" | Celtic | |
atom | noun | "border" | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
atoś | noun | "borders" | uncertain | Cisalpine Gaulish |
auai | proper noun | 'for Aua' | uncertain | Celtic |
aui | proper noun | 'for Auos' | Celtic | |
?aui | proper noun | "to (...)a(u̯)os" or "of (...)au̯os" | Lepontic | |
aunmi | proper noun | "of Aunmos"? | Celtic | |
)auśi | prob. noun | undeterminable | Celtic | |
aus | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
autesai | proper noun | "to Autesa" | Celtic | |
broχθui | proper noun | 'of Brogduos' or 'for Brogdos' | Celtic | |
ciasoni | none | none | dubious | none |
cinis | unknown | unknown | ||
ciponis | proper noun | 'of Cipo' | probable | unknown |
cipośis | proper noun | 'of Cipoś' | unlikely | unknown |
cnren | unclear | abbreviation of a name? | probable | unknown |
declai | verb | - | Celtic | |
dieupala | noun | "(...) gravestone"? | Lepontic | |
diuconis | proper noun | 'of Diuco' | Celtic | |
drutei | proper noun | of Drutos | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
druti | proper noun | of Drutos | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
ds | undeterminable | probably an abbreviation | unknown | |
dugiaua | prob. proper noun | 'Dugiava' | Celtic | |
e (word) | unclear | unit of measurement (?) | uncertain | Etruscan |
ea | unclear | unknown | probable | unknown |
)ei( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
ekr | proper noun | abbreviation of a name "Ekr..." | probable | Lepontic |
)?ele( | undeterminable | undeterminable | probable | unknown |
eluveitie | proper noun | 'Eluveitie' | Celtic | |
)ena | prob. noun | undeterminable | Celtic | |
enu | proper noun | 'Enu' (?) | Celtic | |
eripoχios | proper noun | 'Eripoχios' | Celtic | |
es | undeterminable | unknown | uncertain | unknown |
esanekoti | proper noun | 'of Esanekotos' | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
eskiko | proper noun | 'Eskiko' (?) | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
eskikorikos | proper noun | 'of Eskingoriχs' | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
esonius | proper noun | 'Esonius' | Celtic | |
esopnio | proper noun | 'the Esopnian' | Celtic | |
esopnos | proper noun | 'Esopnos' | Celtic | |
etu | proper noun | 'Etu' | Celtic | |
)eu | prob. noun | unknown | Celtic | |
eu | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
ev?( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
exobna | proper noun | 'Exobna' | Celtic | |
ezuiíχaizi | unknown | unknown | ||
vat | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
vemetuvis | proper noun | "Vemetuvis" | Celtic | |
vercenas | proper noun | "of Vercena" | Celtic | |
vesa | noun | - | uncertain | Celtic |
vesia | proper noun | 'Vesia' | uncertain | Celtic |
viku | noun | - | Celtic | |
viχu | proper noun | 'Viχu' | uncertain | Lepontic |
faui | noun | "of Favos/Favus"? | Celtic Latin | |
fesia | proper noun | "Fesia" | Celtic | |
ześu | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
ziχu | noun | 'scribe' | uncertain | Etruscan |
zuφni | proper noun | 'of Dubnos' | Celtic | |
θina | noun | unknown, maybe personal name? | Celtic | |
θomezeclai | verb | "he/she set me" | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
θomezecuai | noun | "to Tomedekua" | Celtic | |
iazus | proper noun | 'Iazus' | uncertain | Celtic |
iailkouesi | proper noun | 'of Iailkouesos' | unlikely | Transalpine Gaulish |
iakir | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
iam | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
iap??i | prob. proper noun | 'to/for Iap?is/Iap?a' (?) | Celtic | |
)ias( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
iatuini | proper noun | 'of Iatuinos' | uncertain | Celtic |
ieureu | verb | 'dedicated' uel sim. | Celtic | |
iiuotove | unclear | unknown | unknown | |
iknoiso | proper noun | 'of Iknos' | Celtic | |
)iknos | proper noun | "son of (...)" | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
il | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | uncertain | unknown |
ila( | prob. proper noun | 'for the son of Ila°' (?) | uncertain | unknown |
ilauki | proper noun | 'of Ilauk(i)os' | Celtic | |
ilus | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
?i?mi | undeterminable | unknown | uncertain | unknown |
in | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
ina | prob. proper noun | "Ina"? | unknown | |
inutu | proper noun | 'Inutu' | Celtic | |
inou | prob. proper noun | 'Inu' (?) | probable | Celtic |
)iponia | proper noun | ']iponia' | uncertain | Celtic |
iśos | pronoun | 'the same' | Celtic | |
irumeli | proper noun | "(son) of Irumelos" | Celtic | |
isiti | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
isti | unclear | unknown | uncertain | Celtic |
)isoni | proper noun | 'for °isu' | Celtic | |
isos | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
)iuka( | prob. proper noun | "(...)iuka"? | Celtic | |
)iunθanaχa | prob. proper noun | unknown | unknown | |
)ionios | proper noun | '(son) of °iu' | Celtic | |
iouiku | proper noun | 'Iouinku' | Celtic | |
k?? | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
ka?( | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
ka( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
ka | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
kai | proper noun | abbreviation (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
kaialoiso | proper noun | '(son) of Kaialos' (?) | Celtic | |
kaio | proper noun | 'Kaio' | Celtic | |
kalatiknos | proper noun | 'son of Galatos' or 'son of the Galatian' | Celtic | |
caledonos | proper noun | 'of Caledu' | Celtic | |
kalite | verb | 'erected' (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
kaputus | proper noun | "Kaputus" | probable | Celtic |
kar | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
karite | verb | 'enclose' / 'set up' (?) | Celtic | |
karnitu | verb | he/she erected, put | Celtic | |
karnitus | verb | 'erected' / 'set up' (?) | Celtic | |
kas | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | probable | Celtic |
kasikos | proper noun | 'Kasikos' | uncertain | Celtic |
kasilus | proper noun | 'Kasilus' | probable | Cisalpine Gaulish |
kasiloi | proper noun | unknown | probable | Celtic |
kasilos | proper noun | 'Kasilos' | unlikely | Celtic |
kasiuos | proper noun | 'Kasiuos' | uncertain | Celtic |
kasios | proper noun | Kasios | Celtic | |
kat | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
katacinas | proper noun | 'of Katakina' | Etruscan | |
katua | proper noun | 'Katua' | uncertain | Celtic |
katutiniois | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
keivale | - | Celtic | ||
keleśu | proper noun | 'Keleśu' | Lepontic | |
celθestra | proper noun | - | Celtic | |
kepi | proper noun | "(son of) Kep(i)os"? | Lepontic | |
keputus | proper noun | "Keputus" | unknown | |
cesii | proper noun | 'of Kesios' (?) | probable | Celtic |
ki | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
kia | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
ciami | proper noun | 'of Ciam(i)os' | probable | Celtic |
)kicrisi | proper noun | 'of Kikrisos' | unlikely | unknown |
kiketu | proper noun | 'Kiketu' (?) | Celtic | |
cilo | proper noun | 'Cilo' | Latin | |
kirati | proper noun | "of Kiratos" | Celtic | |
kituaretos | proper noun | 'Kituaretos' | Celtic | |
)kiφisi | proper noun | 'of Kibisos' | unlikely | Lepontic |
)kionei | proper noun | 'for °kiu' or 'for °kionis' | Celtic | |
kl | proper noun | abbreviation (?) | unlikely | unknown |
klamuram | unclear | unknown | uncertain | Celtic |
klanalui | proper noun | 'for the son of Klanos' | Celtic | |
cnreiu | proper noun | abbreviation of a name? | probable | Celtic |
ko | undeterminable | undeterminable | unknown | |
kpamuram | unclear | unknown | uncertain | Celtic |
kpp | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
kr | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
krasanikna | proper noun | 'daughter of Krasanos' | Lepontic | |
kri | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
kro | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
ku | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
kualui | proper noun | 'for the son of Kuos' | Celtic | |
kuaśoni | proper noun | 'for Kuaśu' | Celtic | |
kuvei | proper noun | "Kuvei" | Celtic | |
kuimitrui | proper noun | 'for Kuimitros' | uncertain | unknown |
kuimpalui | proper noun | 'for the son of Kuimpos' | uncertain | Celtic |
kuitos | proper noun | Qui(n)tos | Latin | |
kulsius | prob. proper noun | "Kulsius" | Celtic | |
kulopoui | proper noun | 'of Kulopouos' | Celtic | |
kur | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
kut | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
kutsiu | proper noun | "Kutsiu" | Celtic | |
koilios | proper noun | '(son) of Koil(i)os' | uncertain | Celtic |
koimila | proper noun | 'Koimila' | Celtic | |
koiśa | proper noun | 'Koiśa' | uncertain | Celtic |
koisis | proper noun | Coisis | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
coisis | proper noun | Koisis | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
koliu | proper noun | 'Koliu' | uncertain | Celtic |
koliuetu | proper noun | 'Koliuetu' (?) | probable | Celtic |
koma | proper noun | 'Koma' | uncertain | Celtic |
komeuios | proper noun | 'Komeuios' | Celtic | |
komoneos | proper noun | 'son of Komu' > 'Komoneos' | Celtic | |
komonos | proper noun | 'of Komu' | Celtic | |
koneu | adjective | "comunem" | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
kop | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
kopenatis | nominal | unknown | Celtic | |
kopiu | proper noun | 'Kopiu' | probable | Celtic |
koplutus | proper noun | 'Koplutus' | probable | Celtic |
kośio | proper noun | guest | Lepontic | |
la | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
laniakios | proper noun | 'son of Laniak(i)os' | Celtic | |
latumarui | proper noun | 'to/for Latumaros' | Celtic | |
le | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | unlikely | Celtic |
lekatos | noun | the legate | Latin | |
leta | proper noun | 'Leta' | Celtic | |
letiu | proper noun | 'Letiu' | dubious | Celtic |
leukururitu | proper noun | 'Leukururitu' | Celtic | |
leucuro | proper noun | 'Leucuro' | Celtic | |
li | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
lit | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | unlikely | Celtic |
lu( | undeterminable | unknown | Lepontic | |
lukios | proper noun | 'Lukios' | Celtic | |
lutu | proper noun | 'Lutu' | Celtic | |
luto | proper noun | 'Luto' | Celtic | |
lutou | proper noun | 'Lutu' | Celtic | |
luxu | none | none | none | |
lokan | noun | "tomb" or "urne, vessel" | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
lou | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | probable | Celtic |
)m( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
m( | undeterminable | undeterminable | unknown | |
??ma | prob. proper noun | undeterminable | unknown | |
ma | undeterminable | unknown | Lepontic | |
maeloni | proper noun | "of Maelon(i)os" | Celtic | |
maeśilalui | proper noun | 'for the son of Maeśil(i)os' | Lepontic | |
mako( | proper noun | 'for the son/daughter of Mako°' (?) | Celtic | |
mar | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
matikios | proper noun | 'the Matikian' | Celtic | |
mationa( | proper noun | 'for Mationa' (?) | Celtic | |
matopokios | proper noun | 'Matopokios' | Celtic | |
mauila | proper noun | 'Mauila' | Celtic | |
me | pronoun | me | Lepontic | |
me 2 | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
mezu | noun | unknown, maybe personal name? | Celtic | |
mei | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
meiva | prob. proper noun | "Meiva" | unknown | |
meśiolano | proper noun | 'from Mediolanum' or 'Mediolano' | unknown | |
metalui | proper noun | 'for the son of Metos' | Celtic | |
metelikna | proper noun | daughter of Metelos | Lepontic | |
metelui | proper noun | 'to/for Metelos' | uncertain | Lepontic |
mezunemuśus | noun | unknown | unknown | |
miliarios | noun | 'milestone' (?) | Latin | |
minui | proper noun | 'to/for Minos' | Celtic | |
minuku | proper noun | 'Minuku' | Celtic | |
)mit( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
mita | proper noun | "Mita"? | probable | Celtic |
)miu( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
muθikuś | proper noun | "of Mutiku" | Celtic | |
mus | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
musu | proper noun | 'Musu' | Celtic | |
moc | proper noun | abbreviation | Celtic | |
moconis | proper noun | 'of Moco' | Celtic | |
)n | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
naθina | noun | "dear daughter"? | Lepontic | |
namu | proper noun | 'Namu' | Celtic | |
nap( | undeterminable | unknown | Lepontic | |
naśom | adjective | unknown | unlikely | Greek |
nar | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
natom | nominal | unknown | probable | Celtic |
natoris | proper noun | "Natoris" | Celtic | |
naxom | adjective | 'Naxian' | uncertain | Greek |
)nei | proper noun | undeterminable | erroneous | Celtic |
neisu | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
nemetieś | noun | "of Nemetie" | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
nemuśus | noun | unknown, maybe personal name? | Celtic | |
)ner( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
)nerio?o( | undeterminable | unknown | probable | unknown |
nerios | noun | "Nerios"? | uncertain | Celtic |
)ni | proper noun | 'for °u' | Celtic | |
)nialui | proper noun | 'for the son of °nios' | Celtic | |
nimonikna | proper noun | 'daughter of Nimu/Nimon(i)us' | Celtic | |
)n?k??tesaso | noun | - | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
nosarti | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
o( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
obalza | proper noun | "Obalda" | unknown | |
)ones | noun | undeterminable | unknown | |
onesi | proper noun | 'of Ones(i)os' (?) | unknown | |
)osik( | undeterminable | unknown | probable | unknown |
)ouki?( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
p( | prob. proper noun | 'for the son of P°' | unknown | |
p?( | prob. proper noun | 'for the son of P°' | unknown | |
p (word) | proper noun | abbreviation | Latin | |
pa | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
)pa( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
pazros | proper noun | 'Pazros' | Celtic | |
pala | noun | 'grave' (?) | Lepontic | |
palam | noun | 'grave' (?) | Lepontic | |
)pat( | undeterminable | unknown | uncertain | unknown |
pau | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
pe | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
pe (enclitic) | particle | 'and' | Celtic | |
pei | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
pei( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
pekuśia | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
pelesi( | unclear | unknown | unknown | |
pelkui | proper noun | 'for Pelkos' | Lepontic | |
penilas | prob. proper noun | "of Benila" | Celtic | |
penini | proper noun | 'of Peninos' (?) | Celtic | |
pesa | noun | - | uncertain | Celtic |
pesoui | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
)pet( | undeterminable | unknown | uncertain | unknown |
petu | proper noun | 'Petu' | Celtic | |
petua( | prob. noun | - | Celtic | |
)peuesa | proper noun | ')peuesa' | probable | Cisalpine Gaulish |
pi | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
piami | proper noun | 'of Piamos' | uncertain | Celtic |
pianu | proper noun | 'Pianu' | Celtic | |
pipem | unclear | unknown | uncertain | Celtic |
pipen | unclear | unknown | uncertain | Celtic |
piraki | proper noun | 'of Pirakos' | Celtic | |
pirakos | proper noun | 'Pirakos' | Celtic | |
pirauiχeś | proper noun | 'Pirauiχeś' | probable | Celtic |
piretos | proper noun | 'Piretos' | uncertain | Celtic |
pireuos | proper noun | 'Pireuos' | uncertain | Celtic |
piriχio | proper noun | 'Piriχio' | probable | Celtic |
pisa | proper noun | "Pisa" | Celtic | |
pit?? | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
pit | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | probable | Celtic |
piuo | proper noun | 'Piuo' | Celtic | |
piuonei | proper noun | 'to Biu' | Celtic | |
piuonta | proper noun | 'Piuonta' | probable | Celtic |
piuos | proper noun | 'Piuos' | Celtic | |
piuot | proper noun | 'Piuot' | Celtic | |
piuotialui | proper noun | 'for the son of Piuotios' | Lepontic | |
)piośa | prob. proper noun | unknown | dubious | Celtic |
pla( | prob. proper noun | 'for the son of Pla°' (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
plai | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
plialeθu | proper noun | 'Plialeθu' (?) | Lepontic | |
plioiso | proper noun | 'of Plios' | Celtic | |
plios | proper noun | 'Plios' | Celtic | |
)ploi( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
po | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
pokru | unknown | uncertain | unknown | |
polibi | proper noun | 'of Polibios' | Greek | |
pri | undeterminable | abbreviation of a name? | uncertain | unknown |
prikou | proper noun | 'Prikou' (?) | Celtic | |
priś | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
pritua | proper noun | 'Pritua' | uncertain | Cisalpine Gaulish |
prituli | proper noun | 'of Pritulos' | uncertain | Cisalpine Gaulish |
prn | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
pruiam | noun | 'grave' (?) | Lepontic | |
pu | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
pu( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
pusi | proper noun | 'of/from Pusos' | Celtic | |
pusionis | proper noun | 'of Pusio' (?) | Celtic | |
)pv( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
poenino | proper noun | 'to/for Poeninos' | Celtic | |
poikani | proper noun | "of Poikanos"? | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
poininos | proper noun | 'Poininos' | Celtic | |
poinunei | proper noun | 'to/for Poinu' | Celtic | |
polios | proper noun | 'Polios' | Celtic | |
pompeteχuaios | proper noun | 'of the five tongues' | Celtic | |
porkos | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
pou | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
)ś | undeterminable | none | unknown | |
ś( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
ś(...)is | prob. proper noun | name "Ś(...)is"? | Celtic | |
śium | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
śuksim | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
śuro | proper noun | 'Śuro' | Celtic | |
quormskla | prob. noun | unknown, maybe personal name? | unknown | |
quormsklp | unclear | unknown | unknown | |
)r | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
raneni | proper noun | 'son of Ranen(i)os' (?) | probable | Celtic |
ratmon | unclear | unknown | uncertain | unknown |
raueni | proper noun | unknown | dubious | unknown |
remu | proper noun | 'Remu' | probable | Celtic |
reśu | proper noun | 'Reśu' | unlikely | Celtic |
retalos | proper noun | 'son of Retos' (?) | Celtic | |
riaśana | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
rik | prob. proper noun | 'Rīg.' (abbr.) (?) | Celtic | |
rikanas | proper noun | 'of Rīganā' | Celtic | |
rikoi | prob. proper noun | 'Rīgoi̯.' (abbr.) / 'for Rīgos' / 'kings' | Celtic | |
riśoi | proper noun | unknown | probable | Celtic |
riśos | proper noun | 'Riśos' | unlikely | Celtic |
risi | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
)risti | unclear | unknown | uncertain | Celtic |
rit | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | probable | Celtic |
ritilio( | proper noun | 'Ritilio(s)' | probable | Celtic |
ritukalos | proper noun | 'Ritukalos' | probable | Celtic |
rio | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
riol | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
riop | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | probable | Celtic |
)?rkimu( | undeterminable | unknown | Lepontic | |
)rkiu | prob. noun | - | Celtic | |
)rkomui | proper noun | 'for °rkomos' | Celtic | |
)rpia | noun | unknown | Lepontic | |
ru | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
runelos | proper noun | 'Runelos' | uncertain | Celtic |
ruop | unclear | - | uncertain | unknown |
rupelos | proper noun | 'Rupelos' | uncertain | Celtic |
rolios | proper noun | 'Rolios' | Celtic | |
sa | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
sabi | proper noun | 'of Sabos' (?) | Ligurian | |
sapsutai | proper noun | 'to/for Sapsuta' | Celtic | |
saśadis | proper noun | "(daughter) of Saśad(is)?" | Celtic | |
sasamos | proper noun | 'Sasamos' | Celtic | |
se | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
seiv | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
sekezos | proper noun | 'Sekezos' | Celtic | |
sekenei | proper noun | 'for/to Sekenis' (?) | Celtic | |
sen | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | probable | Celtic |
setupk | proper noun | abbreviation | Celtic | |
setupokios | proper noun | 'Setupokios' | Celtic | |
seuuonis | proper noun | 'of Seuuo' | Celtic | |
seχeθu | proper noun | 'Seχeθu' | Celtic | |
sexti | proper noun | (son) of Sextus | uncertain | Latin |
siki | proper noun | "of Sikos" | Celtic | |
sinus | proper noun | 'Sinus' | Celtic | |
sipionios | proper noun | 'the Sipionian' | unknown | |
sipiu | proper noun | 'Sipiu' | unknown | |
siś | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
siteś | noun | "the seats" | Lepontic | |
siuilios | proper noun | 'Siuilios' | dubious | Celtic |
sionpiri | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
sla( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
slaniai | proper noun | 'for Slania' | Lepontic | |
snaśiouitos | proper noun | 'Snaśiouitos' | probable | Celtic |
spt | undeterminable | unknown, prob. an abbreviation? | unknown | |
spuris | proper noun | 'of Spuris' (?) | unknown | |
stu( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
suloikei | proper noun | "to Suloigis" | Lepontic | |
sunalei | proper noun | 'for Sunalis' | uncertain | Celtic |
sur | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
sura | proper noun | 'Sura' | Celtic | |
surica | proper noun | 'Surica' | Celtic | |
sutiuakos | proper noun | "Sutiuakos" | Celtic | |
sola | proper noun | 'Sola' | Celtic | |
[full list] |