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Attestation: VR·31 (kasilus) (1)
Status: probable
Language: Cisalpine Gaulish
adapted to: Latin
Word Type: proper noun
Semantic Field: personal name

Grammatical Categories: nom. sg. masc.
Stem Class: o

Morphemic Analysis: kass-il(l)-us
Phonemic Analysis: /kassilus/ or /kassillus/
Meaning: 'Kasilus'


Reading of lambda uncertain, see VR·31.

Probably from the well-attested, but opaque base kassi- (Solinas 2016: 377 f.). The stem vowel /u/ may indicate an u-stem, but these are rare; in regard of the low dating and the accompanying Latin mark of the attestation, an o-stem kasilos with a Latinised ending is more likely (Marchesini & Stifter 2018: 146). kasilus finds comparanda in Gaulish (also Latinised) casillus, cassillius (Delamarre 2007: 59) and Celtiberian kasilos (Stüber et al. 2009: 259). Cf. also uncertain kasilos.

Corinna Salomon


Delamarre 2007 Xavier Delamarre, Noms de personnes celtiques dans l'épigraphie classique. Nomina Celtica Antiqua Selecta Inscriptionum, Paris: Errance 2007.