User:Corinna Salomon

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Research and data entry.

2016–2018   Dr phil. in Historical linguistics (University of Vienna)
2004–2006   Mag. phil. in German philology (University of Vienna/Universitet i Oslo)

2023–2025   Marie Skłodowska Curie fellow, Maynooth University/Université Bordeaux-Montaigne (project CLINIAR – Celtic Language and Identity in Northern Italy and the Alpine Region)
2020–2022   Austrian Academy of Sciences APART fellow, University of Vienna (project CCeLL – Cisalpine Celtic Language and Literacy)
2019             Visiting research associate, University of Oxford (project LatinNow)
2013–2016   Research fellow, University of Vienna (project Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum)
2008–2012   Post-graduate research assistant, University of Vienna, Department of Linguistics


  • 'Cisalpine Celtic varia III'. Studia Celtica Fennica 20 (2024), 23–40. (OA download)
  • 'Keltische (und rätische?) Personennamen in der vorrömischen Onomastik der Schweiz'. Namenkundliche Informationen 115 (2023 [2024]), 135–179. (download: File:Salomon 2024.pdf)
  • 'Cisalpine Celtic varia II'. Celtica 35 (2023), 22–32.
  • 'Cisalpine Celtic varia I'. North American Journal of Celtic Studies 6/2 (2022), 178–186. (download: File:Salomon 2022.pdf)
  • 'Raetic epigraphic documents as landmarks of waterway transit in the central Alps'. Down by the Water. Interdisciplinary Studies in Human-Environment Interactions in Watery Spaces, ed. Veronica Walker Vadillo et al. (= Cultural Studies in Maritime and Underwater Archaeology 4; Oxford: BAR 2022), 77–90. (download: File:Salomon 2022b.pdf)
  • 'Die rätischen Felsinschriften im Rofangebiet'. Die Berge, das Kloster und die Wissenschaft. Natur und Technik im Tegernseeer Tal, ed. Marc-Denis Weitze (Tegernsee 2022), 50–52.
  • 'On the relationship and emergence of the Raetic alphabets'. Aprender la escritura, olvidar la escritura. Nuevas perspectivas sobre la historia de la escritura en el Occidente romano, ed. Noemí Moncunill & Manuel Ramírez-Sánchez (= Anejos de Veleja, Series Minor 39; Vitoria/Gasteiz 2021), 181–206. (download: File:Salomon 2021d.pdf)
  • 'Divergency and correlation in the North Italic alphabets. Some thoughts about future lines of research'. Wege zur Konfiguration der Zeichen-Phonem-Beziehung, ed. Alessia Bauer & Gaby Waxenberger (LautSchriftSprache 3; Wiesbaden 2021), 75–93. (download: File:Salomon 2021c.pdf)
  • 'Comparative perspectives on the study of script transfer, and the origin of the Runic script'. Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century. /gʁafematik/ June 15–17, 2020 Proceedings Part I, ed. Yannis Haralambous (= Grapholinguistics and its Applications 4; Brest 2021), 143–199. (download: File:Salomon 2021b.pdf)
  • 'Die rätischen Felsinschriften in Nordtirol und Bayern'. Forschungsberichte der ANISA 3/2021 (download from ANISA: Bayern_2021_Salomon_ANISA.html).
  • 'Das Verhältnis der rätischen Sprache zum Etruskischen'. Bayerische Archäologie 1/2021, 40–47. (download: File:Salomon 2021.pdf)
  • 'Some remarks on the personal name system of Raetic'. Namenkundliche Informationen 112 (2020), 375–408. (download: File:Salomon 2020.pdf)
  • 'Raetic'. Palaeoeuropean languages and epigraphic cultures. Challenges and new perspectives. Proceedings of the international conference Rome, March 13–15, 2019), ed. Francisco Beltrán Lloris, Borja Díaz Ariño, María José Estarán Tolosa & Carlos Jordán Cólera (= Palaeohispanica 20, 2020), I 263–298. (download from Palaeohispanica: [1])
  • 'Raetic and runes: On the relevance of North Italic inscriptions for the question of the origin of the Runic script'. Runic inscriptions and the early history of the Germanic languages, ed. Hans Frede Nielsen & Robert Nedoma (= NOWELE 73.1 special issue; Amsterdam/Philadelphia), 155–194. (download: File:Salomon 2020b.pdf)
  • 'Die rätischen Inschriften vom Schneidjoch (Brandenberger Alpen, Tirol)' (with Stefan Schumacher). Die Höhle – Zeitschrift für Karst- und Höhlenkunde 70 (2019), 159–174. (download: File:Schumacher & Salomon 2019.pdf)
  • 'Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum – New readings and inscriptions'. Die Sprache 52/1 (2016/2017 [2018]), 32–101. (download: File:Salomon 2018.pdf)
  • Raetic. Language – Writing – Epigraphy (= AELAW Booklet 2; Zaragoza 2017).
  • 'Zu Varianten von Pi und Tau in rätischen Inschriften'. Die Sprache 51/2 (2014/2015 [2017]), 237–263. (download: File:Salomon 2017.pdf)
  • 'Ausgewählte Funde aus Dercolo im Kontext der rätischen Inschriften' (with Sindy Kluge). Wissenschaftliches Jahrbuch der Tiroler Landesmuseen 2015, 81–95. (download: File:Kluge & Salomon 2015.pdf)
  • 'Donauschriftforschung gestern und heute: Harald Haarmanns Einführung in die Donauschrift'. Die Sprache 50/1 (2013), 83–125. (download: File:Salomon 2013.pdf)
  • Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum (with Stefan Schumacher, Sindy Kluge, Gudrun Bajc and Martin Braun; 2013–).
  • 'Schreibung des Deutschen und deutsche Rechtschreibung: ein historischer Abriss'. Rechtschreibprobleme – Problem Rechtschreibung, ed. Anna Maria Adaktylos & Maria Götzinger-Hiebner (= Schulheft 146 [2012]), 88–98. (download: File:Salomon 2012.pdf)
  • 'Schriftgeschichte und Schrifttypologie'. Anders lesen lernen, ed. Anna Maria Adaktylos & Judith Purkarthofer (= Schulheft 143 [2011]), 9–18. (download: File:Salomon 2011.pdf)
  • Lexicon Leponticum (with David Stifter, Martin Braun et al.; 2009–).
  • 'Das Phonem als Entdeckung der Griechen'. h2nr. Festschrift für Heiner Eichner, ed. Robert Nedoma & David Stifter (= Die Sprache 48 [2009]), 167–174. (download: File:Salomon 2009.pdf)

See The Project for a list of LexLep-related talks.