Reverse dictionary
From Lexicon Leponticum
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Below, you can find a reverse alphabetical list of all word forms in inscriptions with relevance for the study of Cisalpine Celtic.
Full reverse list of word forms contained in Lexicon Leponticum
Word | Word type | Translation | Status | Language |
a?( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
a? | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
ea | unclear | unknown | probable | unknown |
kia | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
uasekia | proper noun | 'Uasekia' | Celtic | |
uenia | proper noun | 'Uenia' | Celtic | |
)iponia | proper noun | ']iponia' | uncertain | Celtic |
)rpia | noun | unknown | Lepontic | |
pekuśia | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
aesia | proper noun | 'Aesia' | uncertain | Celtic |
vesia | proper noun | 'Vesia' | uncertain | Celtic |
fesia | proper noun | "Fesia" | Celtic | |
ka( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
ka | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
ka?( | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
taka | proper noun | - | Celtic | |
ueca | proper noun | 'Ueca' | Celtic | |
surica | proper noun | 'Surica' | Celtic | |
)?uka( | undeterminable | unknown | probable | unknown |
)iuka( | prob. proper noun | "(...)iuka"? | Celtic | |
la | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
pala | noun | 'grave' (?) | Lepontic | |
dieupala | noun | "(...) gravestone"? | Lepontic | |
acetabla | noun | 'vinegar bowls' | Latin | |
ila( | prob. proper noun | 'for the son of Ila°' (?) | uncertain | unknown |
koimila | proper noun | 'Koimila' | Celtic | |
mauila | proper noun | 'Mauila' | Celtic | |
quormskla | prob. noun | unknown, maybe personal name? | unknown | |
pla( | prob. proper noun | 'for the son of Pla°' (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
sla( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
ula | prob. proper noun | "Ula"? | Celtic | |
sola | proper noun | 'Sola' | Celtic | |
ma | undeterminable | unknown | Lepontic | |
??ma | prob. proper noun | undeterminable | unknown | |
koma | proper noun | 'Koma' | uncertain | Celtic |
ana | prob. proper noun | 'Ana' (?) | unlikely | Celtic |
obauzana | noun | unknown, maybe personal name? | Celtic | |
riaśana | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
exobna | proper noun | 'Exobna' | Celtic | |
)ena | prob. noun | undeterminable | Celtic | |
ina | prob. proper noun | "Ina"? | unknown | |
θina | noun | unknown, maybe personal name? | Celtic | |
naθina | noun | "dear daughter"? | Lepontic | |
aśmina | proper noun | 'Aśmina' | Celtic | |
metelikna | proper noun | 'daughter of Metelos' | Celtic | |
krasanikna | proper noun | 'daughter of Krasan(i)os' | Celtic | |
nimonikna | proper noun | 'daughter of Nimu/Nimon(i)us' | Celtic | |
mationa( | proper noun | 'for Mationa' (?) | Celtic | |
pa | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
)pa( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
atepa | proper noun | 'Atepa' | Celtic | |
upa | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
koiśa | proper noun | 'Koiśa' | uncertain | Celtic |
)piośa | prob. proper noun | unknown | dubious | Celtic |
tokra | proper noun | "Tokra" | Celtic | |
celθestra | proper noun | 'by Celθe' | Celtic | |
sura | proper noun | 'Sura' | Celtic | |
sa | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
vesa | noun | - | uncertain | Celtic |
pesa | noun | - | uncertain | Celtic |
)peuesa | proper noun | ')peuesa' | probable | Cisalpine Gaulish |
aśuesa | proper noun | 'Aśuesa' | Celtic | |
anisa | proper noun | 'Anisa' | Celtic | |
pisa | proper noun | "Pisa" | Celtic | |
uisa | proper noun | 'Uisa' | Celtic | |
ta | unclear | - | Lepontic | |
ta( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
leta | proper noun | 'Leta' | Celtic | |
mita | proper noun | "Mita"? | probable | Celtic |
piuonta | proper noun | 'Piuonta' | probable | Celtic |
dugiaua | prob. proper noun | 'Dugiava' | Celtic | |
teua | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
atecua | proper noun | 'Atekua' | Celtic | |
atekua | proper noun | 'Atekua' | Celtic | |
tokua | proper noun | "Tokua" | Celtic | |
katua | proper noun | 'Katua' | uncertain | Celtic |
petua( | prob. noun | 'Petua' (?) | Celtic | |
pritua | proper noun | 'Pritua' | uncertain | Cisalpine Gaulish |
va | undeterminable | unknown | uncertain | unknown |
meiva | prob. proper noun | "Meiva" | unknown | |
)iunθanaχa | prob. proper noun | unknown | unknown | |
obalza | proper noun | "Obalda" | unknown | |
uinoc | - | Latin | ||
p (word) | proper noun | abbreviation | Latin | |
e (word) | unclear | unit of measurement (?) | uncertain | Etruscan |
)ae?( | undeterminable | unknown | uncertain | unknown |
χuiiie | proper noun | 'Koie' (?) | unlikely | Etruscan |
eluveitie | proper noun | 'Eluveitie' | Celtic | |
le | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | unlikely | Celtic |
keivale | proper noun | 'Keivale' | Ligurian | |
)?ele( | undeterminable | undeterminable | probable | unknown |
)akle( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
me | pronoun | me | Lepontic | |
me 2 | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
utme | unclear | - | unknown | |
)ume | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
pe | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
utśe | unclear | - | unknown | |
se | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
ase | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
te( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
kalite | verb | 'erected' (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
karite | verb | 'enclose' / 'set up' (?) | Celtic | |
tośokote | verb | 'has given it' | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
ue | undeterminable | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
ve | undeterminable | unknown | probable | unknown |
iiuotove | unclear | unknown | unknown | |
aev | beginning of alphabet | unknown | ||
)tiris???v?( | undeterminable | unknown | probable | Lepontic |
aststaz | verb | "he/she erected / placed (beside)" | Celtic | |
artebuθz | proper noun | 'Artebuθz' | Celtic | |
ai | undeterminable | undeterminable | uncertain | unknown |
aai | proper noun | "to A(i)a?" | Lepontic | |
uesa?ai | proper noun | 'for the daughter of Ues°' | Celtic | |
slaniai | proper noun | 'for Slania' | Lepontic | |
kai | proper noun | abbreviation (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
)uikalai | proper noun | 'for the daughter of Uikos' | Celtic | |
uerkalai | proper noun | 'for the daughter of Uerkos' | Lepontic | |
declai | verb | - | Celtic | |
θomezeclai | verb | "he/she set me" | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
plai | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
arimai | proper noun | 'to/for Arima' | uncertain | Celtic |
ariśai | proper noun | 'to/for Ariśa' | unlikely | Celtic |
autesai | proper noun | 'to/for Autesa' | Celtic | |
tai | proper noun | 'of Taios' (?) | Celtic | |
atai | proper noun | 'for Ata' | uncertain | Celtic |
sapsutai | proper noun | 'to/for Sapsuta' | Celtic | |
auai | proper noun | 'for Aua' | uncertain | Celtic |
omezecuai | proper noun | "to Omezecua" | Lepontic | |
θomezecuai | noun | "to Tomedekua" | Celtic | |
sabi | proper noun | 'of Sabos' (?) | Ligurian | |
polibi | proper noun | 'of Polibios' | Greek | |
)ei( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
kuvei | proper noun | 'Kuvei' | Celtic | |
suloikei | proper noun | "to Suloigis" | Lepontic | |
sunalei | proper noun | 'for Sunalis' | uncertain | Celtic |
mei | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
)nei | proper noun | undeterminable | erroneous | Celtic |
sekenei | proper noun | 'for/to Sekenis' (?) | Celtic | |
poinunei | proper noun | 'to/for Poinu' | Celtic | |
)kionei | proper noun | 'for °kiu' or 'for °kionis' | Celtic | |
atilonei | proper noun | 'to/for Atilu' | Celtic | |
piuonei | proper noun | 'to Biu' | Celtic | |
pei | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
pei( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
drutei | proper noun | of Drutos | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
cesii | proper noun | 'of Kesios' (?) | probable | Celtic |
ki | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
atiaki | proper noun | "of Atiakos" | uncertain | Celtic |
piraki | proper noun | 'of Pirakos' | Celtic | |
atieki | proper noun | "of Atiekos" | uncertain | Celtic |
siki | proper noun | "of Sikos" | Celtic | |
arki | proper noun | 'of Ark(i)os' | probable | Celtic |
alauki | proper noun | "of Alaukos" | unknown | |
ilauki | proper noun | 'of Ilauk(i)os' | Celtic | |
)ouki?( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
aruki | proper noun | "of Arukos" | Celtic | |
li | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
irumeli | proper noun | "(son) of Irumelos" | Celtic | |
uitili | proper noun | 'of Uitil(i)os' | Celtic | |
prituli | proper noun | 'of Pritulos' | uncertain | Cisalpine Gaulish |
ciami | proper noun | 'of Ciam(i)os' | probable | Celtic |
piami | proper noun | 'of Piamos' | uncertain | Celtic |
?i?mi | undeterminable | unknown | uncertain | unknown |
aunmi | proper noun | "of Aunmos"? | Celtic | |
)ni | proper noun | 'for °u' | Celtic | |
poikani | proper noun | "of Poikanos"? | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
tanatani | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
raneni | proper noun | 'son of Ranen(i)os' (?) | probable | Celtic |
raueni | proper noun | unknown | dubious | unknown |
penini | proper noun | 'of Peninos' (?) | Celtic | |
uini | proper noun | 'of Uin(i)os' | Celtic | |
iatuini | proper noun | 'of Iatuinos' | uncertain | Celtic |
trutikni | proper noun | 'of the son of Drutos' | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
ciasoni | none | none | dubious | none |
tuni | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
aśouni | proper noun | 'of Aśounos' | probable | Celtic |
zuφni | proper noun | 'of Dubnos' | Celtic | |
)oni | proper noun | 'for °ū' | Celtic | |
maeloni | proper noun | 'of Maelon(i)os' or 'for Maelo' | Celtic | |
kuaśoni | proper noun | 'for Kuaśu' | Celtic | |
)isoni | proper noun | 'for °isu' | Celtic | |
)ploi( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
pi | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
iap??i | prob. proper noun | 'to/for Iap?is/Iap?a' (?) | Celtic | |
oisapi | proper noun | 'of/from Oisapos' | Celtic | |
kepi | proper noun | '(son) of Kep(i)os' | Celtic | |
akeśi | proper noun | 'of Akeś(i)os' | Celtic | |
)auśi | prob. noun | undeterminable | Celtic | |
ari | undeterminable | abbreviation of a name? | probable | unknown |
sionpiri | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
kri | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
pri | undeterminable | abbreviation of a name? | uncertain | unknown |
tri( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
uasi | proper noun | 'of Uasos' | Celtic | |
pelesi( | unclear | unknown | unknown | |
onesi | proper noun | 'of Ones(i)os' (?) | unknown | |
alkouesi | proper noun | 'of Alkouesos' | probable | Transalpine Gaulish |
iailkouesi | proper noun | 'of Iailkouesos' | unlikely | Transalpine Gaulish |
risi | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
)kicrisi | proper noun | 'of Kikrisos' | unlikely | unknown |
)kiφisi | proper noun | 'of Kibisos' | unlikely | Lepontic |
χosioissi | none | - | unlikely | none |
pusi | proper noun | 'of/from Pusos' | Celtic | |
trosi | proper noun | "(son) of Trosos" | uncertain | Celtic |
ti | unclear | unknown | unknown | |
ateknati | proper noun | 'of Ategnatos' | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
kirati | proper noun | "of Kiratos" | Celtic | |
tati | proper noun | abbreviation or 'of Tat(i)os' | Celtic | |
aśkoneti | proper noun | '(son) of Aśkonet(i)os' | Celtic | |
atbiti | proper noun | 'of Atbit(i)us' | Celtic | |
isiti | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
urenti | proper noun | '(son) of Urent(i)os' | Celtic | |
nosarti | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
isti | unclear | unknown | uncertain | Celtic |
)risti | unclear | unknown | uncertain | Celtic |
druti | proper noun | of Drutos | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
esanekoti | proper noun | 'of Esanekotos' | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
sexti | proper noun | (son) of Sextus | uncertain | Latin |
ui | undeterminable | unknown | uncertain | unknown |
?aui | proper noun | "to (...)a(u̯)os" or "of (...)au̯os" | Lepontic | |
aui | proper noun | 'for Auos' | Celtic | |
faui | noun | "of Favos/Favus"? | Celtic Latin | |
broχθui | proper noun | 'of Brogduos' or 'for Brogdos' | Celtic | |
akiui | proper noun | 'for Akios' | Celtic | |
)aniui | proper noun | 'for °anios' | Celtic | |
tisiui | proper noun | 'for Tisios' | Lepontic | |
otiui | proper noun | 'for Otios' | Celtic | |
pelkui | proper noun | 'for Pelkos' | Lepontic | |
)alui | proper noun | 'for the son of ...' | Celtic | |
tekialui | proper noun | 'for the son of Tekios' | Celtic | |
telialui | proper noun | 'for the son of Telios' | probable | Celtic |
)nialui | proper noun | 'for the son of °nios' | Celtic | |
terialui | proper noun | 'for the son of Terios' | unlikely | Celtic |
piuotialui | proper noun | 'for the son of Piuotios' | Lepontic | |
maeśilalui | proper noun | 'for the son of Maeśilos' | Celtic | |
klanalui | proper noun | 'for the son of Klanos' | Celtic | |
kuimpalui | proper noun | 'for the son of Kuimpos' | uncertain | Celtic |
metalui | proper noun | 'for the son of Metos' | Celtic | |
kualui | proper noun | 'for the son of Kuos' | Celtic | |
metelui | proper noun | 'to/for Metelos' | Celtic | |
)rkomui | proper noun | 'for °rkomos' | Celtic | |
teromui | proper noun | 'for Teromos' | Celtic | |
minui | proper noun | 'to/for Minos' | Celtic | |
latumarui | proper noun | 'to/for Latumaros' | Celtic | |
kuimitrui | proper noun | 'for Kuimitros' | uncertain | unknown |
kulopoui | proper noun | 'of Kulopouos' | Celtic | |
pesoui | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
φanuaφi | proper noun | '(son) of Banuabios' or 'of the son of Banuabios' | Celtic | |
χoθioi | proper noun | 'of Χoθios' or 'to Χoθios' (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
rikoi | prob. proper noun | 'Rīgoi̯.' (abbr.) / 'for Rīgos' / 'kings' | Celtic | |
kasiloi | proper noun | unknown | probable | Celtic |
arpatimoi | noun | unknown | Celtic | |
tanotaliknoi | proper noun | 'sons of Dannotalos' | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
)ueriopoi | noun | unknown | Celtic | |
riśoi | proper noun | unknown | probable | Celtic |
ezuiíχaizi | unknown | unknown | ||
k?? | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
ak | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
)tek | prob. proper noun | abbreviation of a name "Tek(...)"? | unknown | |
rik | prob. proper noun | 'Rīg.' (abbr.) (?) | Celtic | |
)osik( | undeterminable | unknown | probable | unknown |
pe (enclitic) | particle | 'and' | Celtic | |
setupk | proper noun | abbreviation | Celtic | |
anask | undeterminable | - | uncertain | unknown |
moc | proper noun | abbreviation | Celtic | |
al | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
ualaunal | proper noun | unknown | Celtic | |
tunal | proper noun | unknown | Celtic | |
il | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | uncertain | unknown |
kl | proper noun | abbreviation (?) | unlikely | unknown |
usol | prob. noun | - | uncertain | unknown |
riol | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
uol | undeterminable | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
)m( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
m( | undeterminable | undeterminable | unknown | |
iam | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
pruiam | noun | 'grave' (?) | Lepontic | |
palam | noun | 'grave' (?) | Lepontic | |
klamuram | unclear | unknown | uncertain | Celtic |
kpamuram | unclear | unknown | uncertain | Celtic |
pipem | unclear | unknown | uncertain | Celtic |
śuksim | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
naśom | adjective | unknown | unlikely | Greek |
naxom | adjective | 'Naxian' | uncertain | Greek |
śium | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
urnum | prob. noun | "urn?" | uncertain | none |
uinom | nominal | 'wine' or 'fair' (?) | Celtic | |
atom | noun | "border" | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
natom | nominal | unknown | probable | Celtic |
teuoχtom | noun | - | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
)n | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
an | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
)?an | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
lokan | noun | "tomb" or "urne, vessel" | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
pipen | unclear | unknown | uncertain | Celtic |
cnren | unclear | abbreviation of a name? | probable | unknown |
sen | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | probable | Celtic |
in | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
aasin | unclear | unknown | unknown | |
uin | undeterminable | unknown | Celtic | |
ratmon | unclear | unknown | uncertain | unknown |
prn | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
teuoχtoni(o)n | noun | 'gods and men' | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
uecon | proper noun | 'of Ueco' | Celtic | |
o( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
ko | undeterminable | undeterminable | unknown | |
cilo | proper noun | 'Cilo' | Latin | |
meśiolano | proper noun | 'from Mediolanum' or 'Mediolano' | unknown | |
)nerio?o( | undeterminable | unknown | probable | unknown |
po | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
aiero | prob. proper noun | 'Aiero' (?) | uncertain | unknown |
kro | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
uo( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
p?( | prob. proper noun | 'for the son of P°' | unknown | |
p( | prob. proper noun | 'for the son of P°' | unknown | |
ap | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
nap( | undeterminable | unknown | Lepontic | |
atep | proper noun | abbreviation | Celtic | |
aśoip( | undeterminable | unknown | dubious | unknown |
quormsklp | unclear | unknown | unknown | |
ruop | unclear | - | uncertain | unknown |
kpp | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
riop | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | probable | Celtic |
kop | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
)ś | undeterminable | none | unknown | |
ś( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
aś | undeterminable | unknown | dubious | unknown |
artuaś | noun | the gravestones | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
nemetieś | noun | 'of Nemetie' | Celtic | |
aśeś | proper noun | abbreviation of a name "Aśeś(ios)"? | Lepontic | |
siteś | noun | 'seats' uel sim. | Celtic | |
pirauiχeś | proper noun | 'Pirauiχeś' | probable | Celtic |
priś | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
siś | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
muθikuś | proper noun | 'of Muθiku' | Celtic | |
atoś | noun | "borders" | uncertain | Cisalpine Gaulish |
)r | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
kar | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
mar | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
nar | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
)ner( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
uer | undeterminable | - | Celtic | |
iakir | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
kr | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
ekr | proper noun | abbreviation of a name "Ekr..." | probable | Lepontic |
ur | undeterminable | unknown | uncertain | unknown |
kur | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
)akur( | undeterminable | unknown | Lepontic | |
sur | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
tur | undeterminable | abbreviation (of a name)? | unknown | |
as( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
as | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
)ias( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
)tias | noun | - | uncertain | Lepontic |
kas | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | probable | Celtic |
penilas | prob. proper noun | "of Benila" | Celtic | |
rikanas | proper noun | 'of Rīganā' | Celtic | |
vercenas | proper noun | 'of Vercena' | Celtic | |
katacinas | proper noun | 'of Katakina' | Etruscan | |
toutas | noun | 'of the people/tribe/community' | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
ds | undeterminable | probably an abbreviation | unknown | |
es | undeterminable | unknown | uncertain | unknown |
aes | proper noun | abbreviation of a name "Aes..." | Celtic | |
areuizies | proper noun | - | uncertain | Celtic |
)ones | noun | undeterminable | unknown | |
)ais( | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
saśadis | proper noun | "(daughter) of Saśad(is)?" | Celtic | |
alieis | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
vemetuvis | proper noun | "Vemetuvis" | Celtic | |
uvamokozis | proper noun | 'Uvamokozis' | Celtic | |
cinis | unknown | unknown | ||
ciponis | proper noun | 'of Cipo' | probable | unknown |
onis | prob. proper noun | "Onis"? | Celtic | |
)onis | noun | undeterminable | Celtic | |
pusionis | proper noun | 'of Pusio' (?) | Celtic | |
diuconis | proper noun | 'of Diuco' | Celtic | |
moconis | proper noun | 'of Moco' | Celtic | |
artonis | proper noun | 'of Arto' | Celtic | |
seuuonis | proper noun | 'of Seuuo' | Celtic | |
ś(...)is | prob. proper noun | name "Ś(...)is"? | Celtic | |
cipośis | proper noun | 'of Cipoś' | unlikely | unknown |
spuris | proper noun | 'of Spuris' (?) | unknown | |
ośoris | proper noun | '(Oś)oriχs' | Lepontic | |
natoris | proper noun | 'Natoris' | Celtic | |
toutoris | proper noun | 'Toutoriχs' | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
koisis | proper noun | Coisis | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
coisis | proper noun | Koisis | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
kopenatis | nominal | unknown | Celtic | |
trutitis | proper noun | "of Trutitio" | Celtic | |
uitekiois | noun | unknown | uncertain | Celtic |
katutiniois | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
sipionios | proper noun | 'the Sipionian' | unknown | |
uipios | proper noun | 'the Uipian' | unknown | |
miliarios | noun | 'milestone' (?) | Latin | |
lekatos | noun | the legate | Latin | |
kuitos | proper noun | Qui(n)tos | Latin | |
atiss | proper noun | abbreviation (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
aus | undeterminable | unknown | unknown | |
azus | proper noun | 'Azus' | uncertain | Celtic |
iazus | proper noun | 'Iazus' | uncertain | Celtic |
esonius | proper noun | 'Esonius' | Celtic | |
acisius | proper noun | "Akisios" | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
kulsius | prob. proper noun | "Kulsius" | Celtic | |
argantocomaterecus | proper noun | "Argantokomaterekos" | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
ilus | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
kasilus | proper noun | 'Kasilus' | probable | Cisalpine Gaulish |
mus | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
tetumus | proper noun | "Tetumus" | Celtic | |
sinus | proper noun | 'Sinus' | Celtic | |
uindonus | proper noun | '(son) of Uindu' | Celtic | |
uvezaruapus | proper noun | - | probable | Ligurian |
nemuśus | noun | unknown, maybe personal name? | Celtic | |
mezunemuśus | noun | unknown | unknown | |
χusus | proper noun | "Xusus" ? | Celtic | |
karnitus | verb | 'erected' / 'set up' (?) | Celtic | |
ateuloipitus | proper noun | 'Ateuloipitus' | Celtic | |
koplutus | proper noun | 'Koplutus' | probable | Celtic |
kaputus | proper noun | "Kaputus" | probable | Celtic |
keputus | proper noun | "Keputus" | unknown | |
uarsileos | proper noun | 'son of Uarsilos' | Celtic | |
komoneos | proper noun | 'son of Komu' > 'Komoneos' | Celtic | |
anareuiśeos | proper noun | 'Anareuiśeos' | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
sekezos | proper noun | 'Sekezos' | Celtic | |
pompeteχuaios | proper noun | 'of the five tongues' | Celtic | |
χoθios | proper noun | 'Χoθios' | uncertain | Celtic |
)aki??ios | proper noun | '°ak??ios' | Celtic | |
laniakios | proper noun | 'son of Laniak(i)os' | Celtic | |
matikios | proper noun | 'the Matikian' | Celtic | |
lukios | proper noun | 'Lukios' | Celtic | |
)otukios | proper noun | '(son) of °otuk(i)os' (?) | uncertain | Celtic |
setupokios | proper noun | 'Setupokios' | Celtic | |
anokopokios | proper noun | 'Anokopokios' | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
matopokios | proper noun | 'Matopokios' | Celtic | |
alios | proper noun | 'Alios' | Celtic | |
uitilios | proper noun | 'Uitilios' | Celtic | |
siuilios | proper noun | 'Siuilios' | dubious | Celtic |
koilios | proper noun | '(son) of Koil(i)os' | uncertain | Celtic |
plios | proper noun | 'Plios' | Celtic | |
polios | proper noun | 'Polios' | Celtic | |
rolios | proper noun | 'Rolios' | Celtic | |
)ionios | proper noun | '(son) of °iu' | Celtic | |
apios | proper noun | "Apios" | Celtic | |
nerios | noun | "Nerios"? | uncertain | Celtic |
timirios | proper noun | 'Timirios' | Celtic | |
kasios | proper noun | 'Kasios' | Celtic | |
akisios | proper noun | 'Akisios' | Celtic | |
atios | proper noun | 'Atios' | Celtic | |
komeuios | proper noun | 'Komeuios' | Celtic | |
eripoχios | proper noun | 'Eripoχios' | Celtic | |
pirakos | proper noun | 'Pirakos' | Celtic | |
takos | noun | 1) 'giudice, decree', 2) 'peace' or 3) 'good' | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
sutiuakos | proper noun | "Sutiuakos" | Celtic | |
arkatokomaterekos | proper noun | 'Argantokomaterekos' | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
eskikorikos | proper noun | 'of Eskingoriχs' | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
kasikos | proper noun | 'Kasikos' | uncertain | Celtic |
ulkos | proper noun | 'Ulkos' | Lepontic | |
porkos | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
alaukos | proper noun | "Alaukos" | Celtic | |
turokos | proper noun | 'Durokos' | probable | Celtic |
ritukalos | proper noun | 'Ritukalos' | probable | Celtic |
retalos | proper noun | 'son of Retos' (?) | Celtic | |
tanotalos | proper noun | "Dannotalos" | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
akluśamoualos | proper noun | 'Akluśamoualos' | Celtic | |
runelos | proper noun | 'Runelos' | uncertain | Celtic |
rupelos | proper noun | 'Rupelos' | uncertain | Celtic |
kasilos | proper noun | 'Kasilos' | unlikely | Celtic |
solos | proper noun | 'Solos' | Celtic | |
sasamos | proper noun | 'Sasamos' | Celtic | |
poininos | proper noun | 'Poininos' | Celtic | |
alkouinos | proper noun | 'Alkouinos' | Celtic | |
)iknos | proper noun | "son of (...)" | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
kalatiknos | proper noun | 'son of Galatos' or 'son of the Galatian' | Celtic | |
trutiknos | proper noun | "son of Drutos" | Cisalpine Gaulish | |
esopnos | proper noun | 'Esopnos' | Celtic | |
ueriounos | proper noun | 'Ueriounos' or '(son) of Ueriu' (?) | Celtic | |
caledonos | proper noun | 'of Caledu' | Celtic | |
komonos | proper noun | 'of Komu' | Celtic | |
ariuonepos | noun | 'to (the) A/ariuones' | Celtic | |
uvltiauiopos | noun | 'to (the) U/uvltiauioi' | Celtic | |
iśos | pronoun | 'the same' | Celtic | |
riśos | proper noun | 'Riśos' | unlikely | Celtic |
pazros | proper noun | 'Pazros' | Celtic | |
isos | unclear | unknown | Celtic | |
ateratos | proper noun | 'Ateratos' | Celtic | |
)apauatos | noun | unknown | Celtic | |
kituaretos | proper noun | 'Kituaretos' | Celtic | |
piretos | proper noun | 'Piretos' | uncertain | Celtic |
snaśiouitos | proper noun | 'Snaśiouitos' | probable | Celtic |
anarekartos | proper noun | 'Anarekartos' | Celtic | |
pireuos | proper noun | 'Pireuos' | uncertain | Celtic |
piuos | proper noun | 'Piuos' | Celtic | |
kasiuos | proper noun | 'Kasiuos' | uncertain | Celtic |
toutiopouos | proper noun | 'Toutiobouos' | Celtic | |
at | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
vat | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
kat | prob. proper noun | abbreviation (?) | Celtic | |
)pat( | undeterminable | unknown | uncertain | unknown |
)pet( | undeterminable | unknown | uncertain | unknown |
uecezusezt | verb | - | Celtic | |
[full list] |