Attestation: | MN·1 (sekene·i·) (1) |
Language: | perhaps Celtic |
Word Type: | proper noun |
Semantic Field: | personal name |
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Grammatical Categories: | dat. sg. |
Stem Class: | i |
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Morphemic Analysis: | seg-ē̆n-ei̯ (?) |
Phonemic Analysis: | /sege/ēnei̯/ (?) |
Meaning: | 'for/to Sekenis' (?) |
Analysed as Celtic by Morandi 2004: 680 f., who compares names in seg- as well as CO·75 siki and points out that the dative -ei̯ can be Celtic as well as Venetic (as indicated by the alphabet, see the inscription page), leaving the obscure suffix -ē̆n-. The base is also identified as Celtic seg- by Agostiniani 1996: 11 f., who assumes that the name itself and the inflection are Venetic, and compares seken- to bellen- in the Venetic inscription *Pa 25 tivalei bellenei, where -en- is identified as an ablaut variant of -on- in derivations (pattern fougon- : fugenia, see Calzavara Capuis et al. 1978: 187, Pellegrini & Prosdocimi 1967 II: 51, 89, Prosdocimi 1988: 359). Agostiniani analyses both names as Venetic en-stem hypocoristics to Celtic compound names with o-stems a first element (sego-/bello-) – cf. also Prosdocimi 1986e: 86, Prosdocimi 1986d, Prosdocimi 1987: 576. In either case, the spelling of /g/ in seg- with kappa consitutes a problem. Agostiniani (n. 17) speculates that Celtic /k/ could be equated with Venetic /g/ and that the use of kappa is hypercorrect; more plausible is the suggestion by Prosdocimi & Marinetti 1991: 441 that kappa denotes /k/ as the result of hypocoristic strengthening.
An alternative analysis is suggested by Colonna 1986: 62 (n. 32), who analyses the sequence as a feminine Etruscan nomen in -nei, comparing Etr. secnes etc. The segmentation of the underlying name as Venetic se-genes as in voltigenes, enogenes (Cristofani 1985: 278) is unlikely because of the short and opaque first element. De Marinis 1985: 204 mentions a possible comparandum in the toponym vicus secenia (Farini, Piacenza) on the Tabula Alimentaria (CIL XI 1147); a PN secenus (CIL II 5333, Talavera de la Reina) is listed in AcS II: 1425.
AcS | Alfred Holder, Alt-celtischer Sprachschatz, Leipzig: Teubner 1896–1907. |
Agostiniani 1996 | Luciano Agostiniani, "Relazione di possesso e marcatura di caso in Venetico", Studi orientali e linguistici 6 (1995–1996), 9–28. |
Calzavara Capuis et al. 1978 | Loredana Calzavara Capuis, Anna Maria Chieco Bianchi Martini, Aldo Luigi Prosdocimi, "Due nuovi ciottoloni con iscrizione venetica", Studi Etruschi 46 (1978), 179–203. |
Colonna 1986 | Giovanni Colonna, "La piú [sic] antica iscrizione di Bologna", Studi e Documenti di Archeologia 2 (1986), 57–66. |
Cristofani 1985 | Mauro Cristofani (Ed.), Die Etrusker, Stuttgart: Belser 1985. |
De Marinis 1985 | Raffaele C. De Marinis, "Mantua [REE]", Studi Etruschi 51 (1983 [1985]), 196–213. |