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Attestation: NO·20 (]?ọ[/]ṭọ[]ịkṇọṣ/ṃatopokios/sola/nimoniknạ) (1)
Language: Celtic
Word Type: proper noun
Semantic Field: personal name

Grammatical Categories: nom. sg. masc.
Stem Class: i̯o

Morphemic Analysis: mat-o-bog-(i)i̯-os
Phonemic Analysis: /ma/ātobog(i)os/
Meaning: 'Matopokios'


Compound personal name in the nominative. The second element is well-attested -bog(i)i̯os 'breaker'; the first element is most likely to be matu- 'bear' with the stem vowel replaced by -o- as per Gambari 1991: 230. mati-/matu- 'good' and mantī- 'amount' are theoretically possible, but less plausible semantically; the latter is also not attested in compounds, and the thematisation would be harder to explain.

See also Motta 1995: 130, Solinas 1995: 373, Morandi 2004: 584.

Corinna Salomon
