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Attestation: PG·1.4 (ateknati:trut / ikni:karnitu/artuaś:koisis:t / ṛụṭịknos:) (1)
Language: Cisalpine Gaulish
Word Type: noun

Grammatical Categories: acc. pl. fem.
Stem Class: ā

Morphemic Analysis: artu-as Attention, has to be checked!
Phonemic Analysis: artuās Attention, has to be checked!
Meaning: the gravestones


< *arto- (cf. Matasović 2009: 43, CCCG: 24, Morandi 1982: 194). Ending -āś < *-āns *-ns > *‑nts > *‑nts or *-ns > *‑nss (Lejeune 1971: 47, Markey & Mees 2003: 154f, Griffith 2006: 52-54, Uhlich 2007: 382, Stifter 2010: 370, 372); see also Tibiletti Bruno 1978: 187


CCCG Henry Lewis, Holger Pedersen, A Concise Comparative Celtic Grammar, 3rd edition with the supplement of 1961 by Henry Lewis, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1989 [reprint of 1974].