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Attestation: VR·26 (toutoris) (1)
Language: Cisalpine Gaulish
Word Type: proper noun
Semantic Field: personal name

Grammatical Categories: nom. sg. masc.
Stem Class: cons. stem

Morphemic Analysis: tou̯t-o-rīg-s
Phonemic Analysis: /tou̯torīχs/
Meaning: 'Toutoriχs'


The name toutoriχ, a compond of tou̯ta 'people, tribe' and *rīg- 'ruler, king' meaning 'ruler of the people', is well-known from other Celtic languages, e.g., Gaul. (probable) toutorix, toutiorix (epithet of Apollon) from the derivation toutios 'citizen' DLG: 300, Delamarre 2007: 184), OW tutir, MW tudur (Anglicised tudor), as well as from Germanic equivalents (Goth. þiudareiks etc.).

It is not clear whether final -⟨s⟩ represents the cluster [χs], or whether the non-spelling of [χ] indicates that the cluster had already been reduced to a simple sibilant in this position; cf. ośoris, natoris (Stifter in Marchesini & Stifter 2018: 147).

Corinna Salomon


Delamarre 2007 Xavier Delamarre, Noms de personnes celtiques dans l'épigraphie classique. Nomina Celtica Antiqua Selecta Inscriptionum, Paris: Errance 2007.
DLG Xavier Delamarre, Dictionnaire de la langue gauloise. Une approche linguistique du vieux-celtique continental, 2nd, revised edition, Paris: Errance 2003.