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Attestation: TI·27.1 (kuaśoni:pala:telialui) (1)
Language: Celtic
Word Type: proper noun
Semantic Field: personal name

Grammatical Categories: dat. sg. masc.
Stem Class: on

Morphemic Analysis: kom-u̯ađ-oni (?)
Phonemic Analysis: /kua?oni/ (?)
Meaning: 'for Kuaśu'


on-stem personal name in the dative. Eska 2006: 232, n. 7 (also Eska & Evans 2009: 36) suggests that a subset of the names in ⟨kuV⟩ in Cisalpine Celtic (cf. kualui, kuimpalui), unless they have rare /g/ < PIE *gu̯h, could preserve the labiovelar /k/ before the change to /p/ (considering the late loss of inherited *p as indicated by uvamokozis), which, however, does not generate any convincing etymologies in the present case. Alternatively, ⟨kua⟩ could reflect preverb kom-+u̯a°- with assimilated /m/ and /o/ (/kuu̯V/- < /kou̯V/- < /komu̯V/ as per Stifter 2003: 240 f. (cf. kuimpalui), cf. Delamarre 2007: 78, who analyses the anlaut of names in kuat° (CIL XIII 5510 cuatasius [Dijon], cuatilus [Heiligenberg]) as ko(m)-u̯at- with u̯ati-/-u- 'prophet/prophecy'. In this case, ku̯aðū may be a hypocoristic from a (not otherwise attested) compound ko(m)-u̯ađ- before the assimilation of tau gallicum to /ss/. (The second element can hardly, as in Delamarre's analyses, be u̯ati-/-u- with dental suffix, as the element is not attested with tau gallicum in the root auslaut; in fact, /t/ in the Celtic root may itself be the reflex of a dental suffix, see Irslinger 2002: 98–100.) A comparison with cuasus with single sigma as suggested by Motta 2000: 199, Morandi 2004: 534, Tibiletti Bruno 1997: 1019, n. 45 (according to Motta, the reading is not entirely certain, cf. Schuermans 1867: no. 1788) is uncertain; the analysis as cuasso from kuos) plus a suffix -ass- as per Tibiletti Bruno 1997: 1019 f., n. 46, is not feasible. See also Salomon 2024: 152.

Corinna Salomon


CIL Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. (17 volumes, various supplements)
Delamarre 2007 Xavier Delamarre, Noms de personnes celtiques dans l'épigraphie classique. Nomina Celtica Antiqua Selecta Inscriptionum, Paris: Errance 2007.
Eska & Evans 2009 Joseph F. Eska, David Ellis Evans, "Continental Celtic", in: Martin J. Ball, Nicole Müller (eds), The Celtic Languages, 2nd edition, London – New York: Routledge 2009, 28–53.
Eska 2006 Joseph F. Eska, "The genitive plural desinence in Celtic and dialect geography", Die Sprache 46/2 (2006), 229–235.