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Attestation: VB·23 (kiketụ/ṛẹṭalos) (1)
Language: Lepontic
Word Type: proper noun
Semantic Field: patronymic

Grammatical Categories: nom. sg. masc.
Stem Class: o

Morphemic Analysis: ret-al-os
Phonemic Analysis: -
Meaning: 'son of Ret(os)'


Ret-/Rot-/Rit- < *ret- "to run", known from Insular Celtic (Ogam RITUVVECAS, OIr. Rethach) and Continental Celtic (Gaul. Redsomarus, Restumarus and so on); see also reśu and ritukalos (Motta 2000: 212-213, DAG: 182, 192, CIL III 4727, 5289, Holder 1896-1907: II 1105, 1178, KGP: 258-259, GPN: 249-251, cf. Delamarre 2007: 230, DLG: 33, 256 ?, GPN: 249), cf. Retonius, Retilius, Retillus, Reticus etc. (Tibiletti Bruno 1978-9: 259-260, fn. 26-28).


CIL Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. (17 volumes, various supplements)
DAG Joshua Whatmough, The Dialects of Ancient Gaul. Prolegomena and Records of the Dialects, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1970.
Delamarre 2007 Xavier Delamarre, Noms de personnes celtiques dans l'épigraphie classique. Nomina Celtica Antiqua Selecta Inscriptionum, Paris: Errance 2007.
DLG Xavier Delamarre, Dictionnaire de la langue gauloise. Une approche linguistique du vieux-celtique continental, 2nd, revised edition, Paris: Errance 2003.