Field names

From Lexicon Leponticum
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Below, you can find a list of all locations where objects bearing inscriptions with relevance for the study of Cisalpine Celtic were found.
At the moment, there are 76 field names included in Lexicon Leponticum.
Field names in Lexicon Leponticum refer to geographical or, where available, archaeological sites, or give local names for find spots. They are intended to meaningfully specify the find spot of an inscription-bearing object within the site, which is a modern political unit, where such specification is possible or useful, e.g., when an object was found in an established historical/archaeological context like a settlement or grave field, or near a geographical landmark, or when the name of the find spot is customarily associated with the object/inscription. Whether there is a field name given for an inscription-bearing object and what type of location that name designates depends on the respective find context.
Close archaeological contexts like individual graves or buildings are registered by the Property:find_context.

Full list of field names in Lexicon Leponticum

Field nameSiteCoordinates
BancoBedigliora46° 0' 39.92" N, 8° 50' 33.03" E
Baou de Saint-MarcelMarseille43° 17' 56.83" N, 5° 28' 1.37" E
BaraggiaGarlasco45° 13' 27.54" N, 8° 55' 39.57" E
BelvedereCastelletto sopra Ticino45° 43' 2.57" N, 8° 38' 31.98" E
BrisinoStresa45° 52' 5.77" N, 8° 33' 33.42" E
BroloFornovo San Giovanni45° 29' 46.79" N, 9° 40' 36.13" E
Campo MantuìVerdello45° 36' 25.46" N, 9° 37' 52.67" E
Campo de CroppeCaravaggio45° 29' 49.20" N, 9° 38' 38.40" E
Campo sportivoVerdello45° 36' 29.76" N, 9° 37' 48.77" E
Cannicella necropolisOrvieto42° 42' 54.25" N, 12° 7' 2.72" E
CantacuccoCaravaggio45° 30' 21.54" N, 9° 41' 0.13" E
Carcegna necropolisMiasino45° 48' 25.24" N, 8° 25' 14.51" E
CasateBreccia45° 47' 54.86" N, 9° 3' 14.86" E
Cascina Don BoscoGhisalba45° 35' 19.28" N, 9° 45' 8.66" E
Cascina RiccioGottolengo45° 16' 53.45" N, 10° 17' 43.02" E
Cascina StremianaGarlasco45° 11' 52.80" N, 8° 55' 30.00" E
Cava ButtiBreccia45° 47' 18.29" N, 9° 3' 28.69" E
Cerano necropolisCerano45° 24' 21.65" N, 8° 47' 11.24" E
Cerrione necropolisCerrione45° 27' 33.95" N, 8° 4' 32.08" E
ColabioloVerdello45° 36' 26.16" N, 9° 37' 49.39" E
Colle MazéitVerzegnis46° 23' 39.07" N, 12° 58' 58.21" E
Colline du ChâteauMontmorot46° 40' 49.48" N, 5° 31' 42.54" E
ConsolataAosta45° 44' 37.39" N, 7° 19' 9.94" E
Crocifisso del Tufo necropolisOrvieto42° 43' 15.82" N, 12° 6' 20.85" E
Fondo GiuliniPrestino45° 48' 5.16" N, 9° 3' 9.80" E
ForcelloBagnolo San Vito45° 6' 35.98" N, 10° 50' 6.42" E
GalliascoGolasecca45° 42' 24.73" N, 8° 39' 52.36" E
Giubiasco necropolisGiubiasco46° 10' 22.80" N, 9° 0' 39.60" E
In PersonaOrnavasso45° 59' 4.60" N, 8° 24' 4.25" E
LevoStresa45° 53' 2.87" N, 8° 30' 27.10" E
Loreto necropolisOleggio45° 36' 40.81" N, 8° 38' 59.98" E
Madonna delle BozzoleGarlasco45° 12' 59.33" N, 8° 56' 20.74" E
Mandana necropolisCapiago Intimiano45° 46' 7.18" N, 9° 8' 6.32" E
Milano amphitheatreMilano45° 27' 24.28" N, 9° 10' 44.33" E
MonsorinoGolasecca45° 42' 37.73" N, 8° 39' 45.23" E
Mur d’HannibalLiddes45° 59' 6.54" N, 7° 13' 59.09" E
NavaArdena45° 56' 52.52" N, 8° 52' 45.89" E
ObratŽenjak46° 35' 54.30" N, 15° 53' 17.07" E
PalasioGiubiasco46° 10' 22.30" N, 9° 0' 57.20" E
Pansdorf grave moundPansdorf53° 59' 33.91" N, 10° 42' 36.10" E
Parre CastelloParre45° 52' 17.37" N, 9° 53' 13.62" E
Pedemonte necropolisGravellona Toce45° 56' 2.42" N, 8° 25' 28.30" E
Penisola – Cava degli SpagnoliCapriate San Gervasio45° 37' 0.31" N, 9° 31' 10.44" E
PianvalleComo45° 47' 56.40" N, 9° 4' 18.23" E
PiasaTremona45° 52' 52.65" N, 8° 57' 21.89" E
Piazza Mercato del FienoBergamo45° 42' 15.10" N, 9° 39' 52.17" E
Piazza PontiGallarate45° 39' 32.20" N, 8° 47' 37.94" E
Plateau des FrissesArgnou46° 15' 36.24" N, 7° 23' 59.11" E
Poetovio western necropolisHajdina46° 24' 38.47" N, 15° 50' 24.66" E
PresualdoSesto Calende45° 42' 53.69" N, 8° 39' 27.79" E
ProgeroGudo46° 10' 14.25" N, 8° 56' 26.50" E
RainMünsingen46° 52' 9.01" N, 7° 34' 1.22" E
San BernardoOrnavasso45° 59' 2.22" N, 8° 24' 11.87" E
San Gallo di RonchiVergiate45° 43' 36.94" N, 8° 42' 23.33" E
San LorenzoParabiago45° 34' 6.64" N, 8° 57' 49.15" E
San Pietro di StabioStabio45° 51' 31.46" N, 8° 56' 5.83" E
San RoccoAosta45° 44' 21.83" N, 7° 19' 58.45" E
Sant’AmbrogioArsago Seprio45° 41' 0.48" N, 8° 44' 3.18" E
Seminario Vescovile MaggioreVerona45° 26' 33.99" N, 11° 0' 20.42" E
Solduno necropolisLocarno46° 10' 12.67" N, 8° 46' 42.25" E
TessereteCapriasca46° 4' 2.23" N, 8° 57' 56.88" E
Via Galileo GalileiVerdello45° 36' 22.45" N, 9° 37' 52.48" E
Via GoraniMilano45° 27' 52.97" N, 9° 10' 52.81" E
Via Isonzo-La PesaPrestino45° 47' 58.25" N, 9° 3' 45.21" E
Via MantegnaPrestino45° 48' 4.28" N, 9° 3' 15.71" E
Via MonetaMilano45° 27' 49.73" N, 9° 11' 4.99" E
Via SoraganaSomma Lombardo45° 40' 49.61" N, 8° 43' 23.47" E
Via SperonariMilano45° 27' 47.44" N, 9° 11' 15.67" E
Via Vittorio VenetoSan Giorgio su Legnano45° 34' 18.01" N, 8° 54' 37.87" E
Via del VagineBergamo45° 42' 19.31" N, 9° 39' 44.18" E
Vicolo Aquila NeraBergamo45° 42' 16.82" N, 9° 39' 49.31" E
Vicolo PaceMantova45° 9' 41.79" N, 10° 47' 53.13" E
Villa del SoldoAlzate Brianza45° 46' 20.33" N, 9° 11' 14.34" E
Visigna necropolisCiviglio45° 48' 48.01" N, 9° 6' 44.67" E
WaldmatteGamsen46° 18' 15.84" N, 7° 57' 39.79" E
ZoveralloVerbania45° 56' 44.08" N, 8° 34' 34.81" E

Map of all field names

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