Cava Butti

From Lexicon Leponticum
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Site: Breccia [from first object]
Coordinates: 45° 47' 18.29" N, 9° 3' 28.69" E [from first object]
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Thirteen cremation tombs dated to the 5th c. BC (Golasecca II B–III A) were excavated between 1926 and 1930 in the sand and gravel pit of Giuseppe Butti (loc. La Vignaccia, property of Mosè Magni, near the Crotto di Lazzago); sporadic finds had already been made in the 18th century. The site is considered to belong to the Ca' Morta necropolis. See Baserga 1931 with references to the previous publications p. 53, n. 1, and the entry in the RAPTOR map (CO.SV.67). See also Saronio 1969: 61–73, De Marinis 1981: 51–74.