CO·47 Breccia

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Classification: bowl
Archaeological Type: patera

Material: pottery
Size: height 4.5 cm, diam. 16.5 cm, foot diam. 9 cm
Condition: complete, broken, repaired

Archaeological culture: Golasecca III A 2
Date: second half of 5th c. BC
Date derived from: typology, archaeological context

Site: Breccia (fraction of: Como, Como, Lombardia, Italy)
Field name: Cava Butti
Archaeological context: tomba II
Coordinates (approx.): 45° 47' 18.29" N, 9° 3' 28.69" E
Find date: 1930
Find circumstances: excavation
Current location: Museo Archeologico ‟Paolo Giovio” (Como)

Inscription: CO·47 (pa)

Alternative sigla: Whatmough 1933 (PID): 278 bis
Solinas 1995: 54
Morandi 2004: 179

Sources: Morandi 2004: 638 no. 179



Images in Baserga 1931: 60, fig. 8 (photo), Bertolone 1957: tav. 34.3 (drawing), Tibiletti Bruno 1969b: tav. 28 and 29 (photos), De Marinis & Premoli Silva 1969: tav. XXV.8 (drawing).

Red-varnished bowl with inward-bent rim, restored from three fragments; on the inside near the rim two impressed cross-shaped marks and a pair of horses (cf. CO·73 Civiglio; Bertolone 1957: 59, Tibiletti Bruno 1969b: 235, no. 78). Found in autumn of 1930 in the second of two graves excavated in the Cava Butti, a site of the Ca' Morta necropolis, together with assorted ceramic and bronze grave furniture and an iron knife blade (see Baserga 1931: 55 f., De Marinis & Premoli Silva 1969: 159 f.). The red-varnished patere and the grave are dated to "Golasecca III – fase media (IV secolo a.C.)" in De Marinis & Premoli Silva 1969: 155 f.


Baserga 1931 Giovanni Baserga, "Recenti scoperte in comune di Breccia", Rivista Archeologica dell'Antica Provincia e Diocesi di Como. Antichità ed Arte 102–104 (1931), 53–61.
Bertolone 1957 Mario Bertolone, "Ancora sulla ceramica del Golasecca III A", Sibrium 3 (1956–1957), 55–71.
De Marinis & Premoli Silva 1969 Raffaele De Marinis, Donatella Premoli Silva, "Revisione di vecchi scavi nella necropoli della Ca' Morta", Rivista Archeologica dell'Antica Provincia e Diocesi di Como 150–151 (1968–1969 [1969]), 99–200.