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Attestation: NO·20 (]?ọ[/]ṭọ[]ịkṇọṣ/ṃatopokios/sola/nimoniknạ) (1)
Language: Celtic
Word Type: proper noun
Semantic Field: personal name

Grammatical Categories: nom. sg. fem.
Stem Class: ā

Morphemic Analysis: sol(l)
Phonemic Analysis: /sol(l)ā/
Meaning: 'Sola'


Monothematic personal name in the nominative. See sol(l)- on the uncertain etymology and meaning of the base and the variation between simple and geminate /l/. For the present name, simple /l/ is more likely with regard to the attestation CIL V 6553 sola – with a Celtic patronym bituno[nis] f. – in Novara (also V 4729 solia in Brescia), but cf. also V 6094 solliae [dat.] at Milano and solos.

See also Gambari 1991: 230, Motta 1995: 131, Morandi 2004: 584.

Corinna Salomon


CIL Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. (17 volumes, various supplements)