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Attestation: NO·28 (akluśamo/ụalos/leukur/uritu) (1)
Language: Celtic
Word Type: proper noun
Semantic Field: personal name

Grammatical Categories: nom. sg. masc.
Stem Class: on

Morphemic Analysis: leu̯k-ur-u-u̯rīt or leu̯k-ur-o-u̯rīt
Phonemic Analysis: /leu̯kururītū/ (?)
Meaning: 'Leukururitu'


Compound personal name. Gambari 2007: 258 f. segments leu̯kuru-rit (Gambari 2011: 27 leukuroritō), comparing the Latinised personal name leucuro (VB·21), which most probably contains the base leu̯ko- 'bright'; the two forms share an apparent r-suffix (adjectival -ro-?), whose function is unclear, as is the motivation of /u/ between base and putative suffix (assimilation?). While the comparison of the first element is doubtlessly apt, we prefer a segmentation leu̯kuru-u̯rīt '?-found', which puts the morpheme border at the line break (cf. akluśamoualos); upsilon probably denotes both the composition vowel and the second element's initial glide. The composition vowel may thus be -u-, or *-o- assimilated to the glide.

David Stifter, Corinna Salomon
