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MI·10 Milano photo5.JPGPossible remains of letters on the stone below MI·10 MilanoFile
MI·10 Zavaroni drawing.jpgSlab MI·10 Milano with eight inscriptions from Zavaroni et al.File
MI·10.1 and MI·10.3 photo.pngInscriptions MI·10.1 and MI·10.3 on a cast of the slabFile
MI·10.2 and MI·10.5 photo.pngInscriptions MI·10.2 and MI·10.5 on a cast of the slabFile
MI·10.4 photo.pngInscription MI·10.4 on a cast of the slabFile
MI·10.5 photo.JPGInscription MI·10.5 on a cast of the slabFile
MI·10.6 and MI·10.7 photo.pngInscriptions MI·10.6 and MI·10.7 on a cast of the slabFile
MI·10.6 photo.JPGInscription MI·10.6 on a cast of the slabFile
MI·10.8 photo.pngInscription MI·10.8 on a cast of the slabFile
MI·13 Mezzano photo1.pngPatera fragment MI·13 Mezzano with inscription MI·13File
MI·13 Mezzano photo2.pngPatera fragment MI·13 MezzanoFile
MI·13 photo.pngInscription MI·13File
MI·14 Parabiago photo1.pngPlate MI·14 Parabiago with inscription MI·14File
MI·14 Parabiago photo2.pngPlate MI·14 ParabiagoFile
MI·14 photo.pngInscription MI·14File
MI·15 Parabiago photo.JPGOlpe MI·15 Parabiago with inscription MI·15File
MI·15 photo.pngInscription MI·15File
MI·16 Canegrate photo.JPGOlpe MI·16 Canegrate with inscription MI·16File
MI·16 drawing.pngInscription MI·16File
MI·16 photo1.JPGFirst part of inscription MI·16File
MI·16 photo2.JPGSecond part of inscription MI·16File
MI·17 San Giorgio su Legnano photo1.JPGFragmentary bowl MI·17 San Giorgio su Legnano with inscription MI·17File
MI·17 San Giorgio su Legnano photo2.JPGFragmentary bowl MI·17 San Giorgio su LegnanoFile
MI·17 photo.JPGInscription MI·17File
MI·18 Parabiago photo1.JPGFragmentary bowl MI·18 Parabiago with inscription MI·18File
MI·18 Parabiago photo2.JPGFragmentary bowl MI·18 ParabiagoFile
MI·18 photo.JPGInscription MI·18File
MI·2 Parabiago photo1.pngCup MI·2 Parabiago with inscription MI·2File
MI·2 Parabiago photo2.pngCup MI·2 ParabiagoFile
MI·2 Parabiago photo3.pngCup MI·2 ParabiagoFile
MI·2 photo.pngInscription MI·2File
MI·21 Milano photo1.pngFragmentary bowl MI·21 Milano with inscription MI·21File
MI·21 Milano photo2.pngFragmentary bowl MI·21 MilanoFile
MI·21 photo.pngInscription MI·21File
MI·23 Milano photo1.pngBowl MI·23 Milano with inscription MI·23File
MI·23 Milano photo2.pngBowl MI·23 MilanoFile
MI·23 photo.pngInscription MI·23File
MI·24 Milano photo1.pngFragmentary bowl MI·24 Milano with inscription MI·24File
MI·24 Milano photo2.pngFragmentary bowl MI·24 MilanoFile
MI·24 Milano photo3.pngFragmentary bowl MI·24 MilanoFile
MI·24 photo.pngInscription MI·24File
MI·25 Milano photo1.pngFragmentary pot MI·25 Milano with inscription MI·25File
MI·25 Milano photo2.pngFragmentary pot MI·25 MilanoFile
MI·25 photo.JPGInscription MI·25File
MI·3 Paderno Dugnano photo1.pngPatera MI·3 Paderno Dugnano with inscription MI·3File
MI·3 Paderno Dugnano photo2.pngPatera MI·3 Paderno DugnanoFile
MI·3 photo.JPGInscription MI·3File
MI·4 Paderno Dugnano photo1.pngPatera fragment MI·4 Paderno Dugnano with inscription MI·4File
MI·4 Paderno Dugnano photo2.pngPatera fragment MI·4 Paderno DugnanoFile
MI·4 photo.pngInscription MI·4File