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Metrical systems of Celtic traditions +
An apple a day ... +
Ancient Celtic Epigraphy and its Interface with Classical Epigraphy +
Cisalpine Celtic +
Cisalpine Celtic +
The early Celtic epigraphic evidence and early literacy in Germanic languages +
The rise of gemination in Celtic [version 1] +
The rise of gemination in Celtic +
More on san in Cisalpine Celtic +
Die Bronzeciste von Pansdorf, Kreis Eutin +
Ciste a Cordoni (Rippenzisten) +
Wortschatz der keltischen Spracheinheit +
Gallische inschriften +
Ueber die inschrift von Todi +
Celtic declension +
Celtica +
Notiziario archeologico +
Comunicazione Tenuta al IX Congresso Internazionale di Studi Celtici +
Chronologie der jüngeren Eisenzeit im Tessin +