
From Lexicon Leponticum
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Description: This property contains the title of a book or other reference
Type: String
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Namenforschung  +
Compositiones indogermanicae in memoriam Jochem Schindler  +
Neue vorrömische Inschriften aus Westslowenien: epigraphische und linguistische Evidenz  +
Die Etymologie von heth. <i>mehur</i>  +
Die Erschliessung des Altkeltischen  +
Ein römerzeitliches Keramikgefäß aus Ptuj (Pettau, Poetovio) in Slowenien mit Inschrift in unbekanntem Alphabet und epichorischer (vermutlich keltischer) Sprache  +
Le Dramme Padane nel Contesto dei Rinvenimenti Monetali dell'Emila Romagna  +
Epigraphic and linguistic observations on the inscription at the so-called ''Mur d'Hannibal'' (Liddes, Valais)  +
Continental Celtic  +
Continental Celtic  +
Observations on verbal art in ancient Vergiate  +
More on the metrical structure in the inscription of Vergiate  +
The linguistic milieu of *Oderzo 7  +
A syncretism in fieri in early Celtic  +
Script and language at ancient Voltino  +
Segmenting Gaul. <b>tomedeclai</b>  +
Interpreting the Gaulish inscription of Voltino  +
The so-called weak or dental preterite in Continental Celtic, Watkins' law, and related matters  +
Two notes on Continental Celtic  +
The demonstrative stem *''isto''- in Continental Celtic  +