
From Lexicon Leponticum
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Description: This property contains the title of a book or other reference
Type: String
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Celtic religions in the Roman period  +
Universals of sound change in nasalization  +
Catalogus numismatum veterum, græcorum et latinorum, maxime vero imperatorum, augustarum, cæsarumque romanorum, quæ exstant in museo civitatis Bernensis  +
OWelsh ''guar'', Welsh ''gor''-, Bret. ''gour''- , OIr. ''for'', Gaulish ''ver''-  +
Varia I  +
Marginalia Lepontica  +
Bret. <i>gwazh</i>, <i>goah goéh</i>, OIr. <i>féith</i>  +
On some Gaulish names in -''ant''- and Celtic verbal nouns  +
Notulae Etymologicae Cymricae  +
Varia  +
-<i>og</i>- in British Celtic and notes on <i>bro</i>  +
Voltino ''to-''  +
Varia  +
British Celtic BRIGE and morphology  +
Varia  +
Gaulish <i>sunartiu</i>  +
Il territorio di Varese in età preistorica e protostorica  +
Nascita dell'Insubria  +
Sprachen und Schriften des antiken Mittelmeerraums  +
"Keltoligurische" Inschriften aus Giubiasco  +