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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Joseph Francis Eska, "Interpreting the Gaulish inscription of Voltino", ''Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies'' 36 (1989), 106-107.  +
Joseph F. Eska, "The so-called weak or dental preterite in Continental Celtic, Watkins' law, and related matters", ''Historische Sprachforschung'' 103 (1990), 81–91.  +
Joseph F. Eska, "Two notes on Continental Celtic", ''Études Celtiques'' 27 (1990), 191–195.  +
Joseph F. Eska, "The demonstrative stem *''isto''- in Continental Celtic", ''Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie'' 44 (1991), 70–73.  +
Joseph F. Eska, "Observations on the thematic genitive singular in Lepontic and Hispano-Celtic", in: Joseph F. Eska, R. Geraint Gruffydd, Nicolas Jacobs (eds), ''Hispano-Gallo-Brittonica. Essays in honour of Professor D. Ellis Evans on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday'', Cardiff: University of Wales Press 1995, 33–46.  +
Joseph F. Eska, "Another look at Lepontic <i>uenia</i>", ''Beiträge zur Namenforschung'' 29/30 (1994/1995), 129–136.  +
Joseph Francis Eska, "-", review of: Pierre-Yves Lambert, ''La langue gauloise'', Paris: Errance 1994., ''Studi Celtici'' 36 (1996), 330-332.  +
Joseph F. Eska, "The linguistic position of Lepontic", in: Benjamin K. Bergin, Madelaine C. Plauché, Ashlee Bailey (eds), ''Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Special Session on Indo-European Subgrouping and Internal Relations'', Berkeley, CA: 1998, 2–11.  +
Joseph Francis Eska, "Tau Gallicum", ''Studia Celtica'' 32 (1998), 115-127.  +
Josef Francis Eska, "PIE ''*p'' (doesn't become) Ø in proto Celtic", ''Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft'' 58 (1998), 63-80.  +
Joseph Francis Eska, "Phonology meets syntax in Naintré (Vienne)", ''Historische Sprachforschung'' 113 (2000), 199-209.  +
Joseph Francis Eska, "Further to Vercelli śo=", ''Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie'' 52 (2001), 134-136.  +
Joseph F. Eska, "Continental Celtic", in: Roger D. Woodard (ed.), ''The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World's Ancient Languages'', Cambridge: CUP 2004, 847–880.  +
Joseph F. Eska, "The genitive plural desinence in Celtic and dialect geography", ''Die Sprache'' 46/2 (2006), 229–235.  +
Joseph Francis Eska, "The emergence of the Celtic languages", in: Martin J. Ball, Nicole Müller (eds), ''The Celtic Languages'', 2<sup>nd</sup> edition, London – New York: Routledge 2009, 22–27.  +
Joseph Francis Eska, "Remarks on the 3. plural preterite in ''-us'' in Continental Celtic", ''Die Sprache'' 47,1 (2007–2008 [2009]), 108–119.  +
Joseph F. Eska, "A salvage grammar of Galatian", ''Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie'' 60 (2013), 51–63.  +
Joseph F. Eska, "—", review of: Juan Luis García Alonso (ed.), ''Continental Celtic Word Formation. The Onomastic Data'', Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca 2013., ''Journal of Celtic linguistics'' 16 (2015), 140–148.  +
Joseph F. Eska, "TeuoχToniọn! and related matters", ''Historische Sprachforschung'' 128 (2015), 28–41.  +
Joseph F. Eska, "Phonological contrasts and character reduction in the alphabet of Lugano", ''Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie'' 64,1 (2017), 59–80.  +