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Description: Provides a general explanation or definition of the purpose, function, or meaning of the main page topic.
Type: String

Examples are the description of a picture on its file page, or a short summary explaining the contents of a help page, or the very sentence above describing the purpose of this property.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Drawing of potsherd `CO·32 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·32´ ''a(''  +
Inscription `CO·12´ ''nạp̣( / ot(''  +
Inscription `CO·14´ ''mei / va''  +
Drawing of potsherd `CO·34 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·34´ ''m''  +
Potsherd `CO·9 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·9´ '']pa['' (?)  +
Drawing of potsherd `CO·42 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·42´ '')r''  +
Part of potsherd `CO·43 Rondineto´ with possible inscription `CO·43´ (?)  +
Inscription `CO·26´ ''stu(''  +
Sketch of potsherd `CO·44 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·44´ ''ś(''  +
Potsherd `CO·23 Rondineto´ with fragments of two inscriptions '')?paiei?'' or '')??ipaitit('' (`CO·23.1´) and ''sa('' or ''ti'' (`CO·23.2´)  +
Part of potsherd `CO·82 Rondineto´ with possible inscription `CO·82´ (?)  +
Inscription `CO·19´  +
Drawed detail of potsherd `CO·46 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·46´  +
Inscription `CO·25´ ''sapst(''  +
Patera MI·5 Paderno Dugnano and inscription MI·5 from Solinas  +
Cup MI·2 Parabiago and inscription MI·2 from Tizzoni, reproduced by Solinas  +
Inscription `CO·53´ ''aẹv(''  +
Part of inscription VA·2 from Solinas  +
Stela TI·42 Stabio with inscription TI·42 from Solinas  +
Inscription TI·8 from Solinas 1995  +