
From Lexicon Leponticum
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Description: Provides a general explanation or definition of the purpose, function, or meaning of the main page topic.
Type: String

Examples are the description of a picture on its file page, or a short summary explaining the contents of a help page, or the very sentence above describing the purpose of this property.

Showing 250 pages using this property.
Inscription VA·27 from Morandi 2004  +
Inscriptions VA·28.1, VA·28.2 and VA·28.3  +
Inscription VA·30 from Morandi  +
Drawing of inscription MI·1 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription MI·3 from Morandi 2004  +
Inscriptions on MI·10 Milano from Morandi  +
Drawing of inscription CO·69 from Morandi  +
Drawing of inscription CO·71 from Morandi 2004  +
Inscription CO·72 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·2 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·3 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·4 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·6 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·11 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·13 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·14 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·15 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·16 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·20 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·21 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·24 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·25 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·48 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·53 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·54 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·55 from Morandi 2004  +
Inscription CO·57 from Morandi  +
Inscription CO·58 from Morandi  +
Inscription CO·59 from Morandi  +
Inscription CO·62 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·64.1 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·64.2 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·65 from Morandi 2004  +
Inscription CO·66 from Morandi  +
Inscription CO·73 from Morandi 2004  +
Drawing of inscription CO·74 from Morandi 2004  +
Inscription `CO·78´ ''at''  +
Inscription CO·79 from Morandi 2004  +
Inscription BG·21 from Morandi 2004  +
Inscription BG·22 from Morandi  +
Inscription BS·1 from Morandi  +
Inscription `BS·5´ ''takos''  +
Inscription `BS·7´ ''kro''  +
Inscription `BS·9´ ''rik''  +
Inscription `BS·11´ ''rik''  +
Inscription `BS·12´ ''aruki''  +
Inscription `BS·13´ ''aruki''  +
Inscription `BS·14´ ''aru??''  +
Inscription BS·15 from Morandi 2004  +
Inscription `BS·16´ ''atlatu''  +
Inscription `BS·17´ ''koplutus''  +
Inscription `BS·18´ ''pisa''  +
Inscription `BS·19´ ''uasi''  +
Inscription `BS·20´ ''mi(t)a''  +
Inscription `VR·1´ ''komonos''  +
Inscription `VR·3.2´ ''utme'' (or ''utśe'')  +
Inscription `VR·5´ ''kulsius''  +
Inscription `VR·7´ ''ateporix''  +
Inscription `VR·10´ ''piretos''  +
Inscription `VR·12´ ''musu''  +
Inscription `VR·13´ ''kulopoui''  +
Inscription `VR·14´ ''keleśu''  +
Inscription `VR·15´ ''kośio''  +
Inscription `VR·18´ ''tokua'' (or ''tokra'')  +
Inscription `VR·20´ ''apios'' (or ''alios'')  +
Inscription `BS·22´ ''ezuíi ...''  +
Inscription `SP·1´ ''mezu nemuśus''  +
Inscription `MS·1´ ''vemetuvis''  +
Inscription `MS·2´ ''uvezaruapus'' (?)  +
Legend ''areuiz(i)e(s)'' on coin `NM·19´  +
Front side of gravestone `PG·1 Todi´ with inscriptions `PG·1.1´ and `PG·1.2´  +
Back side of gravestone `PG·1 Todi´ with inscriptions `PG·1.3´ and `PG·1.4´  +
Drawing of inscription TI·24 from Morandi  +
Inscription TI·38 from Morandi  +
Stela TI·38 Pregassona with inscription TI·38 from Morandi  +
Inscription TI·27.2 from Morandi  +
Inscription MI·14 from Morandi  +
Detail of BG·31 Verdello with inscription BG·31 from Morandi  +
Inscription BG·31 from Morandi  +
Detail of BG·34 Verdello with inscription BG·34 from Morandi 2004  +
Inscription BG·36.2 from Morandi  +
Inscription BG·34 from Morandi 2004  +
Detail of `BS·23 Urago d'Oglio´ with inscription `BS·23´ ''uiru'' ?  +
Inscription `BS·23´ ''uịru''  +
Inscription `TI·43´ '')ọni : kuimitrui : pạḷạ''  +
Inscription TI·44 from Morandi  +
Inscriptions TI·45.1 and TI·45.2 from Morandi  +
Drawing of inscription NO·25 from Morandi 2004  +
Paper cast of inscription NO·25 from Morandi 2004  +
Inscription TI·9 from Morandi 2004  +
Inscription TI·11 from Morandi 2004  +
Inscription TI·8 from Morandi 2004  +
Inscription TI·12 from Morandi 2004  +
Inscription TI·13 from Morandi 2004  +
Stela TI·27 Mezzovico-Vira with inscription TI·27.1 from Morandi  +
Back of the Davesco stela with inscription TI·36.3 from Morandi  +
Bottle VA·1 Ardena from Morandi 2004  +
Inscription VA·1.1 from Morandi 2004  +
Olpe VB·19 Gravellona Toce from Morandi 2004  +
Detail of `NO·1 Castelletto sopra Ticino´ with part of inscription `NO·1´ ''χosioiso v''  +
First part of inscription NO·1 from Morandi 2004  +
Detail of `NO·1 Castelletto sopra Ticino´ with part of inscription `NO·1´ ''χosioiso v''  +
Second part of inscription NO·1 from Morandi 2004  +
VA·3 Sesto Calende with inscription VA·3 from Morandi 2004  +
Inscription NO·8 from Morandi 2004  +
Fragment NO·20 Cureggio with inscription NO·20 from Morandi 2004  +
`NO·21 San Bernardino di Briona´ with the inscriptions `NO·21.1´ ''tanotaliknoi / kuitos...'' and `NO·21.2´ ''takoṣ : toutas...  +
Stela VC·1 Vercelli with inscriptions VC·1.1 and VC·1.2 from Morandi  +
Vergiate stela with inscription VA·6 from Morandi 2004  +
Inscription VA·12 from Morandi  +
Patera VA·12 Arsago Seprio from Morandi  +
Inscription VA·13 from Morandi  +
Bowl VA·13 Arsago Seprio from Morandi  +
Patera VA·14 Arsago Seprio from Morandi  +
Inscription VA·14 from Morandi  +
Inscription VA·15 from Morandi  +
Inscription VA·16 from Morandi 2004  +
Patera VA·16 Arsago Seprio from Morandi  +
Inscription VA·17 from Morandi  +
Patera VA·17 Arsago Seprio from Morandi  +
Inscription VA·24 from Morandi  +
Patera VA·19 Arsago Seprio from Morandi  +
Inscription VA·19 from Morandi  +
Potsherd VA·20 Arsago Seprio with inscription VA·20 from Morandi  +
Inscription VA·21 from Morandi  +
Inscription VA·22 from Morandi  +
Cup VA·22 Arsago Seprio from Morandi  +
Inscription VA·23 from Morandi  +
Inscription VA·18 from Morandi  +
VA·18 Arsago Seprio from Morandi  +
Part of inscription VA·25 from Morandi  +
Part of inscription VA·25 from Morandi  +
Pitcher VA·25 Arsago Seprio from Morandi  +
Inscription VA·27 from Morandi 2004  +
Slab MI·10 Milano with eight inscriptions from Morandi  +
Detail of MI·10 Milano with inscription MI·10.8 and part of MI·10.7 from Morandi  +
Detail of MI·10 Milano with inscriptions MI·10.1, MI·10.2, MI·10.3, MI·10.4, MI·10.5, MI·10.6 and part of MI·10.7 from Morandi  +
Fragment CO·72 San Fermo della Battaglia with inscription CO·72 from Morandi 2004  +
Potsherd CO·2 Rondineto with inscription CO·2 from Morandi 2004  +
Potsherd CO·6 Rondineto with inscription CO·6 from Morandi 2004  +
Potsherd CO·11 Rondineto with inscription CO·11 from Morandi 2004  +
Potsherd CO·12 Rondineto with inscription CO·12 from Morandi 2004  +
Potsherd CO·13 Rondineto with inscription CO·13 from Morandi 2004  +
Potsherd CO·14 Rondineto with inscription CO·14 from Morandi  +
Potsherd CO·20 Rondineto with inscription CO·20 from Morandi 2004  +
Slab CO·21 Rondineto with inscription CO·21 from Morandi 2004  +
Slab CO·48 Prestino from Morandi 2004  +
First half of inscription CO·48 from Morandi 2004  +
Second half of inscription CO·48 from Morandi 2004  +
Potsherd CO·53 Prestino with inscription CO·53 from Morandi 2004  +
Potsherd CO·54 Prestino with inscription CO·54 from Morandi 2004  +
Potsherd CO·55 Prestino with inscription CO·55 from Morandi 2004  +
Inscription CO·62 from Morandi 2004  +
Bottle CO·62 Casate from Morandi 2004  +
Inscription CO·64.1 from Morandi 2004  +
Cup CO·65 Casate from Morandi 2004  +
Inscription CO·65 from Morandi 2004  +
Stela `BS·3 Voltino´ with the inscriptions `BS·3.1´ ''tetumus / sexti ...'' and `BS·3.2´ ''θomezecuai ...''  +
`BS·5 Brescia´ with the inscription `BS·5´ ''takos''  +
Potsherd `BS·25 Brescia´ with the inscription `BS·25´ ''ịạṃ''  +
Potsherd `BS·26 Brescia´ with the inscription `BS·26´ ''χ''  +
Detail of `VR·7 Santa Maria di Zevio´ with the inscription `VR·7´ ''ateporix''  +
Detail of `VR·13 Santa Maria di Zevio´ with the inscription `VR·13´ ''kulopouị''  +
Stela `SP·1 Zignago´ with the inscription `SP·1´ ''mezu nemuśus''  +
Detail of coin `NM·19´  +
Front side of gravestone `PG·1 Todi´ with inscriptions `PG·1.1´ and `PG·1.2´  +
Back side of gravestone `PG·1 Todi´ with the inscriptions `PG·1.3´ and `PG·1.4´  +
Stela TI·43 Bioggio with inscription TI·43  +
Stela TI·44 Bioggio with inscription TI·44 from Morandi  +
Stela TI·45 Bioggio with inscriptions TI·45.1 and TI·45.2 from Morandi  +
This category contains pages for morphemes.  +
Motta's contribution contains sections about the Lepontic alphabet, language (including basic phonetics and morphology), and inscriptions.  +
Lepontic alphabet after De Marinis (left: 6<sup>th</sup> to first half of 4<sup>th</sup> century BC, right: end of 4<sup>th</sup> to 1<sup>st</sup> century BC)  +
Stela TI·27 Mezzovico-Vira with inscription TI·27.1 from Motta  +
Stela TI·26 Vira Gambarogno from Motta  +
Front of the Davesco stela with inscriptions TI·36.1 and TI·36.2 from Motta  +
Stela fragment `TI·33 Bedigliora´ (photograph by C. Reguzzi)  +
Stela fragment TI·32 Aranno with inscription TI·32 from Motta  +
Stela fragment TI·30 Aranno with inscription TI·30 from Motta  +
Stela fragment `TI·35 Ponte Capriasca´ (photograph by C. Reguzzi)  +
Stela from Stabio with inscription TI·42 from Motta  +
Fragmentary bowl CO·57 Prestino with inscription CO·57 from Motta  +
Fragmentary bowl CO·59 Prestino with inscription CO·59 from Motta  +
Fragmentary bowl CO·58 Prestino with inscription CO·58 from Motta  +
Cup TI·8 Giubiasco with inscription TI·8 from Motta 2000  +
Bowl TI·15 Giubiasco with inscription TI·15 from Motta  +
Bottle TI·12 Giubiasco from Motta 2000  +
Inscription TI·12 from Motta  +
Olla TI·11 Giubiasco with inscription TI·11 from Motta 2000  +
Inscription TI·11 from Motta 2000  +
Inscription TI·9 from Motta 2000  +
Inscription TI·10 from Motta 2000  +
Bottle TI·13 Giubiasco with inscription TI·13 from Motta  +
Olla TI·23 Locarno from Motta  +
Inscription TI·23 from Motta  +
Inscription TI·25 from Motta  +
Inscription TI·21 from Motta  +
Museo civico archeologico di Villa Mirabello (Varese)  +
Museo Civico "Guido Sutermeister" (Legnano)  +
Stela `MS·3 Bagnone´ with inscription `MS·3´ ''(ś...)''  +
Stela `MS·1 Aulla´ with inscription `MS·1´ ''vemetuvis''  +
This category contains pages for museums and other places hosting archaeological objects.  +
N.png  +
N10.png  +
N10d.png  +
N2.png  +
N2d.png  +
N3.png  +
N3d.png  +
N4.png  +
N4d.png  +
N5.png  +
N5d.png  +
N6.png  +
N6d.png  +
N7.png  +
N7d.png  +
N8.png  +
N8d.png  +
N9.png  +
N9d.png  +
NE.png  +
NEd.png  +
obverse left-facing male head with laurel wreath, reverse left facing trotting horse and legend  +
obverse: small circle, three slanted parallel lines, and triangle with grid pattern, reverse: triangle, legend, and trident  +
obverse: triangle with grid pattern, reverse: triangle, legend, and trident  +
obverse: circle, three parallel lines, triangle shape with grid pattern, reverse: circle with dot, trident, legend  +
Obverse of NM·11 specimen at Sion  +
Reverse of NM·11 specimen at Sion  +
obverse: circle, three parallel lines, triangle shape with grid pattern, reverse: circle with dot, trident, legend  +
Obverse of NM·13 specimen at Lausanne (MMC 357)  +
Reverse of NM·13 specimen at Lausanne (MMC 357)  +
obverse: small circle, three parallel lines, and triangle with grid pattern, reverse: decorated circle, legend within horizontal lines, and trident  +
obverse: right-facing head of Apollo, reverse: right-facing head of a horse and legend  +
obverse: left-facing head of Apollo, reverse: left-facing horse in gallop and legend  +
obverse: right facing male head; reverse: right-turned horse protome, underneath the legend  +
obverse: right-facing female head, reverse: point rosette, left-facing quadruped, horizontal separation line, and legend  +
obverse: head of Jupiter, reverse: prow of a ship  +
obverse: right-facing female head, reverse: right-facing lion  +
Silver drachma with legend NM·2 from Friedländer  +
Silver drachma with legend NM·2 from Blanchet  +
Silver drachma with legend NM·2 from Pautasso  +
obverse: left-facing head of a young man, reverse: left-facing galopping horse, legend over or under the horse  +
obverse right-facing male head and legend, reverse left facing trotting horse and legend  +
obverse: right-facing female head, reverse: right-facing lion, legend above the lion  +
Obverse of NM·4 specimen at Zürich (AG.K-4)  +
Reverse of NM·4 specimen at Zürich (AG.K-4)  +
Obverse of NM·4 specimen at Zürich (AG.K-5)  +
Reverse of NM·4 specimen at Zürich (AG.K-5)  +
obverse: right-facing female head, reverse: right-facing lion  +