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Type: lexical
Meaning: 'ample, big' (?)
Language: Celtic
Phonemic analysis: /oll/-
From PIE: *polh₁-no- 'full' (?)
From Proto-Celtic: *φolno- 'full, ample' (?)
Attestation: oletu


An element ollo- is well attested in Gaulish personal names, e.g. CIL XIII 3632 ollodag, 4159 ollognatus, AE 1994, 406 ollius, where it is usually translated as 'big, great', see AcS II: 841–850, Delamarre 2007: 228 et passim, DLG: 241, KGP: 250 f., GPN: 237 f., Meid 2005: 136, 202 f. The closest lexical comparanda are thus Gaul. ollon 'big' (?) on the Chamalières tablet and OIr. oll 'great, ample'. The etymology of the root – Matasović 2009: 136 f. and Zair 2012: 245 f. derive it from PIE *polh₁-no- 'full' – is not clear, being connected to the question of whether it is related to the Celtic words meaning 'all, whole' (Gaul. ollo so prob. 'all that' on the Grafenstein tile [Stifter 2009b: 369], W (h)oll, Corn., Bret. oll 'all'), which in turn may be from *h₂el- 'beyond' (*h₂ol-no- beside *h₂ol-i̯o > OIr. uile 'all, whole') cognate with Germ. *allaz, or from *solh₂- 'all' to account for h in Welsh. See the above as well as LEIA: O-20, U-17 f., Dunkel 2014: 19, 593, Stifter 2024: 8.

Corinna Salomon


AcS Alfred Holder, Alt-celtischer Sprachschatz, Leipzig: Teubner 1896–1907.
AE Various authors, L'année épigraphique, Paris: 1888–.
CIL Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. (17 volumes, various supplements)
Delamarre 2007 Xavier Delamarre, Noms de personnes celtiques dans l'épigraphie classique. Nomina Celtica Antiqua Selecta Inscriptionum, Paris: Errance 2007.
DLG Xavier Delamarre, Dictionnaire de la langue gauloise. Une approche linguistique du vieux-celtique continental, 2nd, revised edition, Paris: Errance 2003.
Dunkel 2014 George E. Dunkel, Lexikon der indogermanischen Partikeln und Pronominalstämme, Heidelberg: Winter 2014.