Via Moneta

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Site: Milano [from first object]
Coordinates: 45° 27' 49.73" N, 9° 11' 4.99" E [from first object]
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The via Moneta site, one of the most important find sites in the city of Milano, was excavated between 1986 and 1991 by the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia. It yielded materials from Golasecca III A 2 onward, providing evidence for early connections with the Golaseccan centres of Como, Bergamo and Castaneda, later of contacts with the Ligurian area, and of the Romanisation of Milano, while contacts with the east (Cenomani and Veneti) appear to have been restricted. See the entire vol. 23 (2015) of Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi for information about the excavation and finds, and especially Casini & Tizzoni 2015 for an overview of the pre-Roman material and Casini & Tizzoni 2015b for an analysis of the ceramic forms. A number of ceramic objects, mainly from La Tène B and C phases, bear fragmentary marks which may be the remains of inscriptions, but are not yet edited as such and not included in LexLep (Casini & Tizzoni 2015: 88, fig. 15.11 and 12, 101, fig. 26.4 and 5, 109, fig. 34.8, 111, fig. 36.12, 117, fig. 42.13, 124, fig. 47.3, 52, fig. 129.3 and 9, 130, fig. 53.4 and 5, 132, fig. 55.4, 138, fig. 58.3 and 9, Palmieri 2015: 280, 283, fig. 5.33).

Corinna Salomon


Casini & Tizzoni 2015 Stefania Casini, Marco Tizzoni, "Via Moneta: analisi culturale delle fasi preromane", Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi 23 (2015), 69–176.
Casini & Tizzoni 2015b Stefania Casini, Marco Tizzoni, "La produzione ceramica preromana: analisi delle forme", Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi 23 (2015), 177–266.