Property:name alt

From Lexicon Leponticum
Revision as of 21:13, 14 February 2010 by David Stifter (talk | contribs) (Created page with '{{property |description=Specifies names and designations by which the place is known in other languages or in other contexts. |type=String }}')
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Description: Specifies names and designations by which the place is known in other languages or in other contexts.
Type: String
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Alzàa  +
Aoste  +, Aoûta  +, Veulla  +,
Arano  +
Arsagh  +
Aùla  +
Bagnöl  +
Lombard. Bórgh  +, Raetorom. Blizuna  +
Bèrghem  +, Wälsch-Bergen  +
Brèssa  +, Wälsch-Brixen  +
Brünàa  +
Canegràa  +
Cazzone  +
Cantü  +
Area Archeologica del Capitolium  +, Museo Romano  +
Cavriàt San Gervàs  +
Careàs  +
Caruna (Bergamasque)  +
Castalet  +, Castlèt Tesin  +
Sciareun  +