
From Lexicon Leponticum
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Description: Specifies the grammatical role of the morpheme.
Type: String
Showing 20 pages using this property.
appositive, individualising, agentive, patronymic  +
composition vowel  +
patronymic  +
unknown  +
superlative  +
unknown  +
-e +
3<sup>rd</sup> person singular past  +
composition vowel  +
unclear  +
dat. sg. (''i''-stem)  +
acc. sg. (cons. stem)  +
agentive  +
composition vowel  +
hypocoristic (?)  +
patronymic  +
diminutive (?)  +
nom. sg. (''i''-stem)  +
gen. sg. (cons. stem)  +
superlative  +
hypocoristic  +