User:Corinna Salomon

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Research and data entry.

2016–2018 Dr. phil. in Historical linguistics (University of Vienna)
2004–2006 Mag. phil. in German philology (Universities of Vienna and Oslo)

Research and teaching:
2020–2022 APART fellow of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (project CCeLL – Cisalpine Celtic Language and Literacy)
2020           Lecturer, University of Vienna, Department of Linguistics
2019           Visiting research associate, LatinNow, University of Oxford
2013–2016 Researcher, Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum research fellow, University of Vienna, Department of Linguistics
2008–2012 Post-graduate assistant and lecturer, University of Vienna, Department of Linguistics
2008–         Die Sprache – Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft editorial team

Research interests:
North Italic, Celtic and Runic epigraphy, comparative graphematics, especially alphabet history and the mechanics of script transfer and development


  • 'Cisalpine Celtic varia I'. North American Journal of Celtic Studies 6.2 (2022), 178–186.
  • 'On the relationship and emergence of the Raetic alphabets'. Aprender la escritura, olvidar la escritura. Nuevas perspectivas sobre la historia de la escritura en el Occidente romano, ed. N. Moncunill & M. Ramírez-Sánchez (= Anejos de Veleja, Series Minor 39; Vitoria/Gasteiz 2021), 181–206. (download: File:Salomon 2021d.pdf)
  • 'Divergency and correlation in the North Italic alphabets. Some thoughts about future lines of research'. Wege zur Konfiguration der Zeichen-Phonem-Beziehung, ed. A. Bauer & G. Waxenberger (LautSchriftSprache 3; Wiesbaden 2021), 75–93. (download: File:Salomon 2021c.pdf)
  • 'Comparative perspectives on the study of script transfer, and the origin of the Runic script'. Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century. /gʁafematik/ June 15–17, 2020 Proceedings Part I, ed. Y. Haralambous (= Grapholinguistics and its Applications 4; Brest 2021), 143–199. (download: File:Salomon 2021b.pdf)
  • 'Die rätischen Felsinschriften in Nordtirol und Bayern'. Forschungsberichte der ANISA 3/2021 (download: Bayern_2021_Salomon_ANISA.html).
  • 'Das Verhältnis der rätischen Sprache zum Etruskischen'. Bayerische Archäologie 1/2021, 40–47. (download: File:Salomon 2021.pdf)
  • 'Some remarks on the personal name system of Raetic'. Namenkundliche Informationen 112 (2020), 375–408. (download: File:Salomon 2020.pdf)
  • 'Raetic'. Palaeoeuropean languages and epigraphic cultures. Challenges and new perspectives. Proceedings of the international conference "Palaeoeuropean languages and epigraphic cultures. Challenges and research approaches" (Rome, March 13–15, 2019), ed. F. Beltrán Lloris, B. Díaz Ariño, M. J. Estarán Tolosa & C. Jordán Cólera (= Palaeohispanica 20, 2020), I 263–298. (download OA: Palaeohispanica)
  • 'Raetic and runes: On the relevance of North Italic inscriptions for the question of the origin of the Runic script'. Runic inscriptions and the early history of the Germanic languages, ed. H. F. Nielsen & R. Nedoma (= NOWELE 73.1 special issue; Amsterdam/Philadelphia), 155–194. (download: File:Salomon 2020b.pdf)
  • 'Die rätischen Inschriften vom Schneidjoch (Brandenberger Alpen, Tirol)' (with S. Schumacher). Die Höhle – Zeitschrift für Karst- und Höhlenkunde 70 (2019), 159–174. (download: File:Schumacher & Salomon 2019.pdf)
  • 'Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum – New readings and inscriptions'. Die Sprache 52.1 (2016/2017 [2018]), 32–101. (download: File:Salomon 2018.pdf)
  • Raetic. Language – Writing – Epigraphy (= AELAW Booklet 2; Zaragoza 2017).
  • 'Zu Varianten von Pi und Tau in rätischen Inschriften'. Die Sprache 51.2 (2014/2015 [2017]), 237–263. (download: File:Salomon 2017.pdf)
  • 'Ausgewählte Funde aus Dercolo im Kontext der rätischen Inschriften' (with S. Kluge). Wissenschaftliches Jahrbuch der Tiroler Landesmuseen 2015, 81–95. (download: File:Kluge & Salomon 2015.pdf)
  • 'Donauschriftforschung gestern und heute: Harald Haarmanns Einführung in die Donauschrift'. Die Sprache 50.1 (2013), 83–125. (download: File:Salomon 2013.pdf)
  • Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum (with S. Schumacher, S. Kluge, G. Bajc and M. Braun; 2013–).
  • 'Schreibung des Deutschen und deutsche Rechtschreibung: ein historischer Abriss'. Rechtschreibprobleme – Problem Rechtschreibung, ed. A. Adaktylos & M. Götzinger-Hiebner (= Schulheft 146 [2012]), 88–98. (download: File:Salomon 2012.pdf)
  • 'Schriftgeschichte und Schrifttypologie'. Anders lesen lernen, ed. A. Adaktylos & J. Purkarthofer (= Schulheft 143 [2011]), 9–18. (download: File:Salomon 2011.pdf)
  • Lexicon Leponticum (with David Stifter, Martin Braun and Michela Vignoli; 2009–).
  • 'Das Phonem als Entdeckung der Griechen'. h2nr (Festschrift für Heiner Eichner), ed. R. Nedoma & D. Stifter (= Die Sprache 48 [2009]), 167–174. (download: File:Salomon 2009.pdf)

See The Project for a list of LexLep-related talks.