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From Lexicon Leponticum
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A14.pngLepontic alphabet
Magrè alphabet
A14d.pngLepontic alphabet
Magrè alphabet
A22.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
A22d.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
A23.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
A23d.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
A24.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
A24d.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
A26.pngLepontic alphabet
Magrè alphabet
A26d.pngLepontic alphabet
Magrè alphabet
A8.pngLepontic alphabet
Magrè alphabet
A8d.pngLepontic alphabet
Magrè alphabet
A9.pngLepontic alphabet
Magrè alphabet
A9d.pngLepontic alphabet
Magrè alphabet
addT1.pngMagrè alphabet
E.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
E2.pngLepontic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
E2d.pngLepontic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
E6.pngLepontic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
E6d.pngLepontic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
Ed.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
I.pngMagrè alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Lepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Id.pngMagrè alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Lepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
K.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
K4.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
K4d.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
K5.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
K5d.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
K7.pngLepontic alphabet
Magrè alphabet
K7d.pngLepontic alphabet
Magrè alphabet
Kd.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
L2.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Magrè alphabet
L2d.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Magrè alphabet
M10.pngLepontic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
M10d.pngLepontic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
M4.pngLepontic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
Venetic alphabet
M4d.pngLepontic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
Venetic alphabet
N.pngLepontic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
Venetic alphabet
N10.pngLepontic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
N10d.pngLepontic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
Nd.pngLepontic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
Venetic alphabet
P3.pngMagrè alphabet
P3d.pngMagrè alphabet
punctuation.pngVenetic alphabet
Magrè alphabet
punctuationd.pngVenetic alphabet
Magrè alphabet
R.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
R3.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
R3d.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
Rd.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet
S.pngLepontic alphabet
Venetic alphabet
Sanzeno alphabet
Magrè alphabet