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Attestation: Li 1.1 (misuθilarθialmuθikuś) (1)
Language: prob. Celtic
adapted to: Etruscan
Word Type: proper noun

Grammatical Categories: gen. sg.

Morphemic Analysis: mot-ik-s
Phonemic Analysis:
Meaning: 'of Muθiku'


Etruscan name in the genitive -s. Underlying muθiku is compared to Gaulish names like "Motucus, Moticius, Mottius" by Gambari & Colonna 1988: 154 (also De Simone 1978b: 375, n. 42, Colonna 1998: 261 "un celto-ligure *Motico", Sassatelli 2008: 337 f.). While the sound substitution / compromise spelling of Celtic /o/ with /u/ / upsilon in Etruscan is plausible, most Gaulish names in mot- show a u-stem; /i/ in the stem (as in Colonna's moticius) is in fact not attested. More pertinent comparanda may be a few names in muti-, e.g. RIG M-213 mutinos, CIL XIII 2583 mutilus, see AcS II. 665, Delamarre 2007: 137 – the latter lists AE 1963, no. 164 muutico, whose Celtic derivation is not certain, and an element muto- (p. 227), which may in fact be a better fit for PC *muto- 'penis' than the motu-names (see the morpheme page). Otherwise, muθiku may well be borrowed from an IE language (Celtic, Ligurian, ...), but the lack of exact comparanda forbids a clear pronouncement.


AcS Alfred Holder, Alt-celtischer Sprachschatz, Leipzig: Teubner 1896–1907.
AE Various authors, L'année épigraphique, Paris: 1888–.
CIL Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. (17 volumes, various supplements)
Colonna 1998 Giovanni Colonna, "Etruschi sulla via delle Alpi occidentali", in: Liliana Mercando, Marica Venturino Gambari (eds), Archeologia in Piemonte. Volume I: La preistoria, Torino: Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Piemonte 1998, 261–266.
Delamarre 2007 Xavier Delamarre, Noms de personnes celtiques dans l'épigraphie classique. Nomina Celtica Antiqua Selecta Inscriptionum, Paris: Errance 2007.
De Simone 1978b Carlo De Simone, "Un nuovo gentilizio etrusco di Orvieto (Katacina) e la cronologia della penetrazione celtica (gallica) in Italia", Parola del Passato 33 (1978), 370-395.