TI·38 Pregassona

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Classification: stela

Material: stone
Size: length 47 cm, width 32 cm, thickness 14.5 cm
Condition: fragmentary
Autopsy by: Corinna Salomon
Date of autopsy: Oct 16 2023

Archaeological culture: Golasecca III A, La Tène B, La Tène C
Date: 5th–mid-2nd c. BC

Site: Pregassona (fraction of: Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland)
Coordinates (approx.): 46° 1' 34.59" N, 8° 58' 35.77" E
Find date: 1924
Find circumstances: by chance
Current location: Ufficio Cantonale dei Beni Culturali (Bellinzona)
Inventory no.: 202.1924.1

Inscription: TI·38 (]??i:uosiu[)

Alternative sigla: Morandi 2004: 279

Sources: Morandi 2004: 706 f. no. 279



Image in Morandi 2004: 707 (photo), Dell'Era 2020: 217, fig. 1 (photo and drawing).

Fragment of the middle part of a mica schist stela found during earth works in the locality Orlino near the oratory Santi Pietro e Paolo at the head of one of four tombs (Tatarinoff 1924: 125, Basler Nachrichten, 24 January 1924, cited in Dell'Era 2020: 215); according to Dell'Era 2020: 216, the tombs were mediaeval or modern and the fragment reused. Thought lost, but relocated in the depot of the Ufficio cantonale in the early 2000s (Piana Agostinetti 2004: 161, n. 26, Morandi 2004: 706). See the inscription page on the typological/palaeographical dating.

Corinna Salomon


Dell’Era 2020 Romeo Dell'Era, "uisou o uosiu[i]? Cambiando senso, il senso cambia. Nuova lettura di un'iscrizione celtica da Pregassona (Lugano)", in: Michel Aberson, Francesca Dell'Oro, Michiel de Vaan, Antoine Viredaz (eds), [vøːrtər]. Mélanges de linguistique, de philologie et d'histoire ancienne offerts à Rudolf Wachter [= Cahiers de l'ILSL 60], Lausanne: 2020, 215–220.