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Attestation: Li 1.2 (minemetịẹś) (1)
Language: Celtic
adapted to: Etruscan
Word Type: noun
Semantic Field: personal name

Grammatical Categories: gen. sg. masc.

Morphemic Analysis: nemet-(i)i̯-e-s
Phonemic Analysis:
Meaning: 'of Nemetie'


Grammatically Etruscan personal name in -e, in the genitive -s. Argued to be a loan from Celtic (specifically Gaulish) nemet(i)i̯o-, a hypocoristic from a dithematic name with first element nemeto-, by De Simone 1980: 198–200. De Simone (p. 201 f.) also considers the possibility that ET² OB 2.13 nematuś (gen., 3rd c. BC) is a loan from a Celtic nemeto, despite the wrong vowel in the stem.

See also Bermond Montanari 1980: 296, Piana Agostinetti 2004: 31.


Bermond Montanari 1980 Giovanna Bermond Montanari, "Genua [REE]", Studi Etruschi 47 (1979 [1980]), 296–297.
Colonna 2004 Giovanni Colonna, "Catalogo delle iscrizioni preromane di Genova", in: Raffaele C. de Marinis, Giuseppina Spadea, I Liguri. Un antico popolo europeo tra Alpi e Mediterraneo, Milano: Skira 2004, 302–307.
De Simone 1980 Carlo de Simone, "Gallisch '*Nemeti̯os – etruskisch Nemetie", Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 94 (1980), 198–202.
ET² Gerhard Meiser, Etruskische Texte. Editio minor, auf Grundlage der Erstausgabe von †Helmut Rix neu bearbeitet in Zusammenarbeit mit Valentina Belfiore und Sindy Kluge. Teil 1: Einleitung, Konkordanz, Indizes, Teil 2: Texte, 2nd, revised edition [= Studien zur historisch-vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft 4], Hamburg: Baar 2014.