GR·2 Präz

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Classification: slab

Material: stone
Size: height ca. 85 cm, breadth ca. 70 cm, width ca. 35 cm
Condition: complete
Autopsy by: Corinna Salomon
Date of autopsy: Sep 28 2021

Archaeological culture: unknown
Date: unknown

Site: Präz (fraction of: Cazis, Graubünden, Switzerland)
Coordinates (approx.): 46° 44' 41.18" N, 9° 24' 53.05" E
Find date: 1958
Find circumstances: by chance
Current location: Rätisches Museum (Chur)
Inventory no.: III.C210

Inscription: GR·2 (unknown)

Alternative sigla: none

Sources: Piana Agostinetti 2004: 142 f.



Images in Simonett 1959: 3, Abb. 1 (photo = Degen 1959: Taf. 19A), Risch 1970: Taf. 4.1 (photo), Risch 1984: 36, Abb. 18 (photo), Piana Agostinetti 2004: 142, fig. 10.4 (drawing).

Irregular stone slab found in September 1958 by Simonett in the corner of an old farmhouse in the hamlet Raschlinas near Präz in the Posterior Rhine valley. The slab was used as a guard stone, but had until a few years prior served as the base for a wooden pillar in a part of the building dating from the 16th century. The greenish stone is Andeer gneiss (Simonett 1959: 2 f.) from somewhat farther south in the valley. The slab weighs over 400 kg; its shape appears to be natural (Simonett 1959: 3). In the absence of a context, no dating can be given.

The slab is currently not on exhibition, but stored in the museum's depot.

Corinna Salomon


Degen 1959 Rudolf Degen (ed.), "Archäologischer Fundbericht", Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte 47 (1958–1959), 137–227.