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Attestation: VB·17 (atis(?)s) (1)
Status: uncertain
Language: prob. Celtic
Word Type: proper noun
Semantic Field: prob. personal name
Grammatical Categories: indeterminable

Morphemic Analysis: at(t)-iss- (?)
Phonemic Analysis: /at(t)is(s)/° (?)
Meaning: abbreviation (?)


See the inscription page on the reading.

The possibly misspelled form is most likely an abbreviation of a name in at(t)-, conceivably with suffix -iss- to account for double sigma (cf. Tibiletti Bruno 1978: 145), e.g. CIL XIII 7553 atisso, CIL XII 2200, V 3499 atisius, RIG M-56 atisios. An i-stem at(t)-is may be possible, if the second sigma is spurious, but is only attested in Polybios II 21.5 as the name of a Boiian king in Italy (atis, cf. Rhŷs 1913: 60, Morandi 2004: 561). Cf. atios also at Ornavasso.

Corinna Salomon


CIL Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. (17 volumes, various supplements)