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Attestation: Vs 1.165 (]avileskatacinas) (1)
Language: Etruscan
Word Type: proper noun
Semantic Field: patronymic

Grammatical Categories: gen. sg. masc.

Morphemic Analysis: kat-āk-(i)i̯-na-s
Phonemic Analysis:
Meaning: 'of Katakina'


Etruscan patronym/gentilicium in -na in the genitive -s. The underlying personal name Etr. *katakie is argued to be a loan from Celtic by De Simone 1978b (also 1978: 386, 1980: 201), who compares Gaul. katakius, katakus, and Ven. katakos. Critical Prosdocimi 1986e: 88 f. and 1987: 574 f.; see also Solinas 1994: 932 f., Sassatelli 2008: 335 f.


De Simone 1978 Carlo De Simone, "I Galli in Italia: testimonianze linguistiche", in: Paola Santoro (ed.), I Galli e l'Italia, Roma: De Luca 1978, 261–269.
De Simone 1978b Carlo De Simone, "Un nuovo gentilizio etrusco di Orvieto (Katacina) e la cronologia della penetrazione celtica (gallica) in Italia", Parola del Passato 33 (1978), 370-395.
De Simone 1980 Carlo de Simone, "Gallisch '*Nemeti̯os – etruskisch Nemetie", Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 94 (1980), 198–202.