
From Lexicon Leponticum
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Description: Specifies the direction of writing of the inscription.
Type: String
Allows value: sinistroverse, dextroverse, boustrophedon, ambiguous, unknown

The value of this property refers to the inscription in its entirety. Individual letters may display an orientation that goes against the overall orientation of the text. The direction in which an inscription is written may be difficult to determine on occasion.


Number of pages in the Category:Inscription (514) per "direction":

direction occurrence  
257 50.00 % show list
178 34.63 % show list
2 0.38 % show list
65 12.64 % show list
12 2.33 % show list


Proportion of "sinistroverse" and "dextroverse" inscriptions per period:

sortdate sinistroverse   dextroverse all
-720+ 0  
0   0
-670+ 3 60.00 %
2 40.00 % 5
-620+ 3 50.00 %
3 50.00 % 6
-570+ 4 66.66 %
0 0.00 % 6
-520+ 7 53.84 %
5 38.46 % 13
-470+ 35 56.45 %
7 11.29 % 62
-420+ 6 66.66 %
2 22.22 % 9
-370+ 24 85.71 %
1 3.57 % 28
-320+ 10 76.92 %
0 0.00 % 13
-270+ 2 100.00 %
0 0.00 % 2
-220+ 5 55.55 %
3 33.33 % 9
-170+ 8 36.36 %
10 45.45 % 22
-120+ 63 48.83 %
56 43.41 % 129
-70+ 28 32.55 %
38 44.18 % 86
-20+ 6 18.18 %
23 69.69 % 33
30+ 0 0.00 %
11 100.00 % 11
80+ 0  
0   0
130+ 1 100.00 %
0 0.00 % 1

Arithmetic mean: -228.199 (sin.) vs. -112.043 (dex.), Median: -137.5 (sin.) vs. -75 (dex.)


Marker 180.png sinistroverse; Marker 120.png dextroverse; Marker 000.png other

Showing 20 pages using this property.
sinistroverse  +
sinistroverse  +
sinistroverse  +
dextroverse  +
ambiguous  +
sinistroverse  +
sinistroverse  +
unknown  +
sinistroverse  +
dextroverse  +
sinistroverse  +
ambiguous  +
sinistroverse  +
unknown  +
dextroverse  +
sinistroverse  +
sinistroverse  +
sinistroverse  +
sinistroverse  +
sinistroverse  +