VB·11 Ornavasso

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Classification: cup
Archaeological Type: terra sigillata, Dragendorff 31

Material: pottery
Size: height 6.9 cm, max. diam. 19.9 cm, foot diam.8.8
Condition: broken, repaired, incomplete
Autopsy by: Corinna Salomon
Date of autopsy: Apr 20 2024

Archaeological culture: Roman imperial period
Date: 55–90 AD

Site: Ornavasso (Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Piemonte, Italy)
Field name: In Persona
Archaeological context: grave 153
(Objects: VB·11 Ornavasso, VB·12 Ornavasso, VB·13 Ornavasso)
Coordinates (approx.): 45° 59' 4.60" N, 8° 24' 4.25" E
Find date: 1890–1893
Find circumstances: excavation
Finder: Enrico Bianchetti
Current location: Museo del Paesaggio – Sezione archeologica "Enrico Bianchetti" (Ornavasso)
Inventory no.: 2005-bis (1419)

Inscription: VB·11 (sabi)

Alternative sigla: Whatmough 1933 (PID): 314
Morandi 2004: 56

Sources: Morandi 2004: 557 f. no. 56



Large terra sigillata cup type Dragendorff 31; restored from numerous fragments, only a piece of the wall missing. No stamp can be made out. The document is mentioned in Bianchetti 1895: 69 in the list of inscriptions from Ornavasso (no. 15) as being a "piatto cavo" from tomb 153 at In Persona, which contains two other inscribed terra sigillata objects (VB·12 Ornavasso, VB·13 Ornavasso), but is not included in the inventory on p. 282 f. (or in any other grave inventory). No inventory number is written on the object; the current number appears to be secondary, grouping the object with the similar VB·13. Dating according to Morandi.

Corinna Salomon


Bianchetti 1895 Enrico Bianchetti, I sepolcreti di Ornavasso [= Atti della Società di Archeologia e Belle Arti della provincia di Torino 6], Torino: Paravia 1895.