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Attestation: BS·3.2 (θomezecuai/obauzanaθina) (1)
Language: Cisalpine Gaulish
Word Type: verb

Grammatical Categories: 3rd sg. past

Morphemic Analysis: to-me-de-ek-lai Attention, needs to be checked!
Phonemic Analysis: -
Meaning: "he/she set me"


< *to-de-ek- with infixed pronoun 1st sg. me (KP: 442, cp. Matasović 2009: 235, CCCG: 266, Thurneysen 1923: 9-10), *de-ek-lā-e, cp. Gaul. de-uor-buet=id, *de- perfective preverb as in OIr. de- (variant of the more frequent < ) (cf. Hamp 1989, Eska 1989, Eska & Weiss 1996: 290-291, Eska 1998c: 70, Eska & Evans 2009: 35, Weisgerber 1931: 211)


CCCG Henry Lewis, Holger Pedersen, A Concise Comparative Celtic Grammar, 3rd edition with the supplement of 1961 by Henry Lewis, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1989 [reprint of 1974].
Eska & Evans 2009 Joseph F. Eska, David Ellis Evans, "Continental Celtic", in: Martin J. Ball, Nicole Müller (eds), The Celtic Languages, 2nd edition, London – New York: Routledge 2009, 28–53.
Eska & Weiss 1996 Joseph Francis Eska, Michael Weiss, "Segmenting Gaul. tomedeclai", Studia Celtica 30 (1996), 289-292.
Eska 1989 Joseph Francis Eska, "Interpreting the Gaulish inscription of Voltino", Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 36 (1989), 106-107.
Eska 1998c Josef Francis Eska, "PIE *p (doesn't become) Ø in proto Celtic", Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 58 (1998), 63-80.