MI·4 Paderno Dugnano

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Classification: bowl
Archaeological Type: patera

Material: pottery
Size: max. diam. 21.9 cm (reconstructed), fragm. length 12 cm, width 6.6 cm
Condition: fragmentary
Autopsy by: Corinna Salomon
Date of autopsy: Apr 27 2022

Archaeological culture: La Tène D 2
Date: middle or second half of 1st c. BC
Date derived from: archaeological context

Site: Paderno Dugnano (Milano, Lombardia, Italy)
Archaeological context: grave
(Objects: MI·3 Paderno Dugnano, MI·4 Paderno Dugnano, MI·5 Paderno Dugnano)
Coordinates (approx.): 45° 33' 52.25" N, 9° 9' 54.93" E
Find date: 1956
Current location: Civico Museo Archeologico (Milano)
Inventory no.: A 0.9.14256

Inscription: MI·4 (ue)

Alternative sigla: Solinas 1995: 107
Morandi 2004: 134

Sources: Tizzoni 1984: 70 f.



Images in Negroni Catacchio 1974: tav. X, fig. 53 (drawing), Tizzoni 1984: tav. LXXX c (drawing).

Fragment of the bottom and part of the rim of a patera, found in a single grave discovered during construction work and excavated in 1965 by the soprintendenza; see Negroni Catacchio 1974: 206–210 and Tizzoni 1984: 70 f. for details about the context, dating, and a description of the object (Tizzoni no. 3). Coordinates based on Frova 1960: 70, who notes that the tomb was found within 100 m of one discovered in 1959 in Via Roma 36. Cf. the similar MI·3 Paderno Dugnano and MI·5 Paderno Dugnano from the same grave. State inv. no. 7345.

Corinna Salomon


Frova 1960 Antonio Frova, "Tomba preistorica a Paderno Dugnano (Milano)", Sibrium 5 (1960), 69–71.