
From Lexicon Leponticum
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Reading in transliteration: lutou : iiii
Reading in original script: I sI3 dI3 dseparator2 sU sO3 sT sU sL s

Object: VB·3 Ornavasso (bottle)
(Inscriptions: VB·3.1, VB·3.2, VB·3.3, VB·3.4, VB·3.5)
Position: shoulder, outside
Direction of writing: sinistroverse
Script: North Italic script (Lepontic alphabet)
Letter height: 0.7–1.2 cm0.276 in <br />0.472 in <br />
Number of letters: 5
Number of words: 1
Number of lines: 1
Workmanship: scratched after firing
Condition: complete

Archaeological culture: La Tène D 1 [from object]
Date of inscription: end of 2nd/beginning of 1st c. BC [from object]

Type: unknown
Language: perhaps Celtic
Meaning: unknown

Alternative sigla: Whatmough 1933 (PID): 304
Tibiletti Bruno 1981: 10
Solinas 1995: 128 3
Morandi 2004: 48 B2

Sources: Morandi 2004: 550–552 no. 48 B2



First published in Bianchetti 1895: 69 f. (no. 21). Examined for LexLep on 20th April 2024.

Images in Lejeune 1987: pl. XIIIb (photo = Solinas 1995: tav. LXX d and b), Morandi 2004: 566, fig. 12.48 (drawing).

Inscribed on the opposite side of VB·3.1, near the innermost of the white bands (length 4 cm). The letters, particularly the first upsilon and omicron, are scraggly, but neat. After the sequence lutou follows a separator of two dots, two oblique lines and one straight line. The lines after the separator were read as U sI s iu by Bianchetti (also Kretschmer 1905: 99, no. 21, Rhŷs 1913: 62, no. 20 (c), Whatmough 1933: 111–113, no. 304 (c), Pisani 1964: 286 f., no. 124 (c), Tibiletti Bruno 1978: 144, 146, Tibiletti Bruno 1981: 162–164, no. 10), while Lejeune 1987: 497 identified them as "symboles" (thus implicity also Morandi 2004: 550–552 no. 48 B1, who reads lutou). Negligible Solinas 1995: 375, no. 128 3, who includes a spot of surface damage as an additional separato (lutou:i:u). Since the last two lines do not meet at the bottom, we agree with Lejeune. The function of the lines after the separator is unclear; cf. VB·3.2 for a short sequence with internal separation, also with a first part ending in ou. lutou may be a personal name, though the spelling of the ending would be irregular; see the word page for possible parallels in the corpus.

See also Giussani 1902: 55 f., Piana Agostinetti 1972: 272, no. 12, tav. XXXI.12, Piana Agostinetti 1997–1999 II: 57, in IV Morandi 1999b: 308–312, no. 4.

Corinna Salomon


Bianchetti 1895 Enrico Bianchetti, I sepolcreti di Ornavasso [= Atti della Società di Archeologia e Belle Arti della provincia di Torino 6], Torino: Paravia 1895.
Giussani 1902 A[ntonio] Giussani, "L' iscrizione nord-etrusca di Tesserete e le altre iscrizioni pre-romane del nostro territorio", Rivista Archeologica della Provincia e Antica Diocesi di Como 46 (1902), 25–67.