VS·2 Liddes

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Classification: slab

Material: stone
Size: 70 x 65 cm
Condition: complete
Autopsy by: Corinna Salomon
Date of autopsy: Jul 17 2024

Archaeological culture: La Tène D 2, Late Republican, Augustan
Date: 55–15 BC
Date derived from: archaeological context, natural science

Site: Liddes (Wallis, Switzerland)
Field name: Mur d’Hannibal
Archaeological context: ST45/L16
Coordinates (approx.): 45° 59' 6.54" N, 7° 13' 59.09" E
Find date: 2005
Finder: Anne-Françoise Quartier-La-Tente
Current location: in situ

Inscription: VS·2 (poenino/ieureu)

Alternative sigla: none

Sources: Aberson et al. 2021: 309–332


Images in Casini et al. 2008: 92, fig. 23 (photo), Casini et al. 2013: 161, fig. 5 (photo).

The roundish, partly smoothed block of gneiss (65 x 70 cm) is inserted into a wall within structure 45/L16, a small dry stone chamber of ca. 1.2 x 0.5 x 0.7 m covered by a heavy slab. The function of the chamber, which is the only preserved building and unlike in shape than the other structures within the enclosing wall (see Mur d’Hannibal), is unclear; no objects were found inside it. See Andenmatten & Paccolat 2012: 91 and Aberson et al. 2021: 311 for details. Casini et al. 2013: 157 speculate that the chamber was built specifically to house/hide the inscribed stone.

Corinna Salomon


Aberson et al. 2021 Michel Aberson, Romain Andenmatten, Stefania Casini, Angelo E. Fossati, Rudolf Wachter, "Entre Celtes et Romains : la dédicace à Poeninos du Mur (dit) d'Hannibal", in: María José Estarán Tolosa, Emmanuel Dupraz, Michel Aberson (eds), Des mots pour les dieux. Dédicaces cultuelles dans les langues indigènes de la méditerranée occidentale, Berne: Peter Lang 2021, 309–332.
Andenmatten & Paccolat 2012 Romain Andenmatten, Olivier Paccolat, "Le mur (dit) d'Hannibal: une site de haute montagne de la fin de l'âge de Fer. Avec les contributions d'Olivier Mermod, Angela Schlumbaum et Jacqueline Studer", Jahrbuch Archäologie Schweiz 95 (2012), 77-95.
Casini et al. 2008 Stefania Casini, Angelo Fossati, Filippo Motta, "Incisioni protostoriche e iscrizioni leponzie su roccia alle sorgenti del Brembo (Val Camisana di Carona, Bergamo). Note preliminari", Notizie Archeologice Bergomensi 16 (2008), 75–101.
Casini et al. 2013 Stefania Casini, Angelo E. Fossati, Filippo Motta, "L'iscrizione in alfabeto di Lugano al Mur d'Hannibal (Liddes, Valais)", Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi 21 (2013), 157–165.