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Attestation: VB·3.3 (lutou:iii) (1)
Language: Celtic
Word Type: proper noun
Semantic Field: personal name

Grammatical Categories: nom. sg.
Stem Class: on

Morphemic Analysis: lūt
Phonemic Analysis: /lūtū/ (?)
Meaning: 'Lutu'


The sequence is most likely an on-stem personal name in the nominative, possibly an abbreviation. The name lūtū is attested twice more in the Verbano, see lutu and luto. ⟨ou⟩ could denote long /ū/, though one wonders why in that case presumable /ū/ in the base was not also spelled like that; alternatively it may denote a local allophone with a more open pronunciation, or diphthongisation of -/ū/ to -/o/; an orthographic compromise between the vernacular ending and the Latinised ending may also be possible. Cf. inou on the same object as well as uerkou (uel sim.), anatikou and prikou.

See also Rhŷs 1913: 62 f., no. 20 (c), Morandi 2004: 552.

Corinna Salomon
