Lejeune 1971

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Michel Lejeune, Lepontica, Paris: Société d'Édition "Les Belles Lettres" 1971. (Reprint of "Documents gaulois et para-gaulois de Cisalpine", Études Celtiques 12/2 [1970–1971], 357–500.)

Author/Editor: Michel Lejeune
Type: epigraphic study, linguistic study
Language: French
Used for: 214 pages (show list)


This monograph, originally published as an article in vol. 12 of the journal Études Celtiques, marks the beginning of the modern study of Lepontic. It is exclusively dedicated to Lepontic as a variant of Continental Celtic. Lejeune considers the indigenous epigraphic documents of the North-West Cisalpina in the pre-Roman or at the beginning of the Roman era. He categorically excludes the ancient sources, the indigenous onomastics of the Latin names of the area, and toponymy. The work is not an edition, but rather an overview over the updated corpus. Lejeune discusses the alphabet (II), the only two texts which are with certainty considered Gaulish based on their onomastics and language (PG·1 and NO·21) (III), the onomastics of the "lépontique et sublépontique" area (IV), and Lepontic epigraphy, with a separate discussion of the most important monuments (NO·18, VB·3, CO·48 and VA·6). A section of the work is dedicated to the linguistic conclusions (V). In the appendix, Lejeune discusses the coin legends (VI) and the stelae of the Lunigiana territory (VI).