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Reading in transliteration: uvamokozis : plialeθu : uvltiauiopos : ariuonepos : siteś : tetu
Reading in original script: U sT4 sE sT4 sseparator3 sŚ6 sE sT4 sI sS2 sseparator3 sS2 dO sP sE sN sO sU sI sR sA24 sseparator3 sS2 dO sP sO sI sU sA24 sI sT4 sL sV sU sseparator3 sU sΘ3 sE sL sA24 sI sL sP sseparator3 sS2 sI sZ5 sO sK4 sO sM sA24 sV sU s

Object: CO·48 Prestino (slab)
Position: front
Frame: feettop and bottomtop and bottomfeet  (left: feet, middle: top and bottom, right: feet)
Direction of writing: sinistroverse
Script: North Italic script (Lepontic alphabet)
Letter height: 5 cm1.969 in <br />
Number of letters: 49
Number of words: 6
Number of lines: 1
Workmanship: carved
Condition: complete

Archaeological culture: Golasecca III A 1 [from object]
Date of inscription: second quarter of the 5th c. BC [from object]

Type: dedicatory
Language: Celtic
Meaning: 'Uvamokozis Plialeθu dedicated (the) seats (?) to (the) uvltiauioi ariuones'

Alternative sigla: Tibiletti Bruno 1981: 23
Solinas 1995: 65
Motta 2000: 2
Morandi 2004: 180

Sources: Morandi 2004: 638–640



First published in Tibiletti Bruno 1966b.

Images in Mirabella Roberti & Rittatore Vonwiller 1966: tav. LXXXIV (drawing by Rittatore Vonwiller, cf. Tibiletti Bruno 1968c: 351 with n. 40, = Mirabella Roberti 1966: 115 f. [in two parts] = Gambari & Colonna 1988: 132, fig. 9), Mirabella Roberti 1966: 115 (photo), Tibiletti Bruno 1966b: 289, fig. 1 (photo), 290, fig. 2 (photo of first part), 291, fig. 3 (photo of middle part) and 4 (photo of last part), 293, fig. 5 and 6 (drawing), 294, fig. 7 (detail photo), 295, fig. 8 (detail photo) and 9 (detail photo = Tibiletti Bruno 1968c: 354), Lejeune 1971: 98, pl. XII (photo provided by the Istituto di Studi Etruschi = Markey & Mees 2003: 129, fig. 3 = Eska 2024d: 78, fig. 1), Morandi 1982: 188 (drawing) and tav. XLI.1 (photo), Tibiletti Bruno 1990b: 281 (drawing), Morandi 2004: 642, fig. 22.180 (drawing) and 801, tav. XXIV.180a (photo of the upper side of the slab), b and c (photo in two parts), Stifter 2020b: 357, fig. 8 (drawing).

Inscribed in neat and evenly spaced letters along the narrow side of the slab, between two frame lines which end in "feet" reminiscent of VA·6 Vergiate and the pala-stelae. Words separated by separators of three dots. Grooves of letters filled with talcum soon after the discovery (Tibiletti Bruno 1966b, 281, n. 5); two casts, one of paper and one of plastic (Tibiletti Bruno 1968c: 350, n. 36, Tibiletti Bruno 1968: 386). 283 f. comparison with CO·21. Detailed description of letters in Tibiletti Bruno 1966b: 291–296, who read the third letter of the third word as iota rather than lambda, alleging that the bar is an unintentional mark. Horizontal bars of zeta stylistic in agreement with form of tau (also Tibiletti Bruno 1969b: 234, Prosdocimi 1967: 201, Prosdocimi 1987: 573). Alphabet classification 296–300; 300 dating to 2nd c. BC, viz. between Lepontic in the 3rd c. and the Gaulish monuments of the 1st c.; theta as an extra letter to denote a lenited sound; 301 syntactic analysis as nominative subject uvamokozis plialeθu, dative objects uvltiauiopos ariuonepos, accusative object siteś, and finite verb tetu. 302 linguistically "Gaulish" (in quotation marks) because of tetu.

  • Mirabella Roberti 1966: lambda rather than iota, but rho rather than pi; has measurements and details about the execution
  • Prosdocimi 1967 works with double-wrong third word uvitiauioros with rho according to the drawing in Mirabella Roberti & Rittatore Vonwiller 1966. Functions of theta and waw 201-203; san ^= sigma; distribution of theta and tau looks like Padova alphabet; 206 ff. difficulties with syntactic analysis due to misreading of third word, takes plialeθu for a verb. 205, 219-222 linguistic classification, Celtic features of the language (not quite Gaulish, so speaks for the existence of a Lepontic which is "non antigallica").
  • Tibiletti Bruno 1968c: 350–355 defends her reading of iota and pi (and trashes Ferri)
  • Tibiletti Bruno 1968: 386–388 again pro pi, 389 on sound values, differences from Venetic (kappa for /g/)
  • Pellegrini 1969: 251 f.
  • Tibiletti Bruno 1969b: 232–234, no. 77: more literature, linguistic classification
  • Lejeune 1971: 96–111, reads uvltiauiopos without discussion of TB's argument, waw zeta theta not necessarily foreign letters, but revived by reformators (uncertain about dating, but implicitly assumes lateish as per TB), pi tau kappa = /b/ /d/ /g/ (as per Prosdocimi), theta = /t/, different spelling for "sifflante forte" < *st (zeta) and <*ns (san) (as per TB), <uv> = initial labial glide, uvlti "dévocalisée" for unclear reasons, doubts connection with Padova orthography with same arguments as TB (spelling of mediae), same overall analysis as TB, 106-110 siteś as Lepontic
  • Lejeune 1974: 343
  • Tibiletti Bruno 1978: 141 f. "forse un architrave", sticks with reading iota
  • Tibiletti Bruno 1981: 177–181, no. 23 frame shape developed out of anthropomorphic frames when significance was not understood anymore (also Morandi 1982: 188), n. 3 again pro iota (now she knows who did it)
  • Pellegrini 1981: 58
  • Motta 1983
  • Prosdocimi 1986: 226-232 overview of previous scholarship, 232 higher dating (at least first half of 5th c. BC), lambda misspelled for iota
  • Prosdocimi 1987: 567–574 also misspelling of iota as lambda, further on the inscription's evidence for Lepontic being Celtic, palaeographical dating to late 6th c. BC-early 5th c., viz. "inizio assoluto della traditione scrittoria", based on comparison with Etruscan alphabet (and archaeologically before mid-5th c., p.c. De Marinis): closed alpha beside waw, function of <uv> and theta, thoughts about the formation of the Lepontic alphabet, suggests that the "gradini" are the siteś
  • Gambari & Colonna 1988: 134 on the orthography
  • Tibiletti Bruno 1990b: 77–105 on the comparison with CO·21 and existence of two "complessi architettonici" not of the same time, 86 compares the Feltre inscription stones and other documents from neighbouring cultures, and concludes that the model is Roman, hence reaffirms her low dating, and again the development of the frame ends, letter forms and "inserted" letters due to style and "particolare sensibilità fonetica" on the part of the writer, values of the special letters, and development of the Lepontic alphabet, 102-105 repetition of analysis of inscription and forms
  • Motta 1992: 313 f. pro plialeθu as an appositive as per De Hoz and ariuonepos formed from a toponym
  • Solinas 1995: 343–345, no. 65, possibly some additional literature, contra using siteś as evidence for Lepontic as a separate language
  • Eska 1998c: 66–68 overview over analysis of inscription and forms, and then on the function of phi as a reflex of */p/
  • Motta 2000: 197 f., no. 2: notes that if letter 21 were iota, the distance to tau would be irregularly large; assumes that the dedication refers to the whole "complesso monumentale".
  • Markey & Mees 2003: 130, n. 5 confirm lambda, 130-133 alpha vs. waw and relevance of aev-inscriptions, 134 f. form of zeta, 135 value of theta, 135 zeta vs. san, form of sigma cf. Castaneda, 137-144 function of plialeθu, 144-158 forms and possible poetic features (further discussion in Eska & Mercado 2005: 177 f., Mees 2008: 196-199), 156 boundary marker
  • Morandi 2004: 638–640, no. 180, notes traces of red paint in the letters of siteś, pro lambda for space reasons, otherwise summary
  • Stifter 2020b: 345
  • Mees 2024
  • Markey 2024
  • Eska 2024d

See also Ferri 1967 (negligible), Campanile 1968 (sdegnato), Lejeune 1978: 111, Morandi 1982: 188 f., n. 69, Pellegrini 1983: 36 f., Lambert 1994: 21, Meid 1996: 260, Meid 1999: 16 f.


Campanile 1968 Enrico Campanile, "Su due interpretazioni della iscrizione di Prestino", Studi e Saggi Linguistici 8 (1968), 207–213.
Eska & Mercado 2005 Joseph Francis Eska, Angelo O. Mercado, "Observations on verbal art in ancient Vergiate", Historische Sprachforschung 118 (2005), 160-184.
Eska 1998c Josef Francis Eska, "PIE *p (doesn't become) Ø in proto Celtic", Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 58 (1998), 63-80.
Eska 2024d Joseph F. Eska, "Digamma and Prestino and related matters", Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 71/1 (2024), 77–96.
Ferri 1967 Silvio Ferri, "Esigenze archeologiche - VIII", Studi Classici e Orientali 16 (1967), 417–435.
Gambari & Colonna 1988 Filippo Maria Gambari, Giovanni Colonna, "Il bicchiere con iscrizione arcaica da Castelletto Ticino e l'adozione della scrittura nell'Italia nord-occidentale", Studi Etruschi 54 (1986 [1988]), 119–164.