
From Lexicon Leponticum
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Attestation: NO·20 (]ọ[/]ṭọ[]iknos/matopokios/sola/nimoniknạ) (1)
Language: Cisalpine Gaulish
Word Type: proper noun
Semantic Field: personal name

Grammatical Categories: nom. sg. masc.
Stem Class: i̯o

Morphemic Analysis: mato-bog-i̯os Attention, needs to be checked!
Phonemic Analysis: matobogos
Meaning: "Matobogios"


Motta 1995: 130-131, DLG: 81-82, 221, Eska 1998c: 73, Villar & Prósper 2005 251, 253 cf. Delamarre 2007: 128-9, 213, 226, GPN: 228, Matugenus: Stüber 2005: 55, 107, CCCG: 31, cf. also anokopokios


CCCG Henry Lewis, Holger Pedersen, A Concise Comparative Celtic Grammar, 3rd edition with the supplement of 1961 by Henry Lewis, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1989 [reprint of 1974].
Delamarre 2007 Xavier Delamarre, Noms de personnes celtiques dans l'épigraphie classique. Nomina Celtica Antiqua Selecta Inscriptionum, Paris: Errance 2007.
DLG Xavier Delamarre, Dictionnaire de la langue gauloise. Une approche linguistique du vieux-celtique continental, 2nd, revised edition, Paris: Errance 2003.
Eska 1998c Josef Francis Eska, "PIE *p (doesn't become) Ø in proto Celtic", Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 58 (1998), 63-80.