
From Lexicon Leponticum
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Attestation: TI·48.2 (sen) (1)
Status: probable
Language: perhaps Celtic
Word Type: prob. proper noun
Semantic Field: prob. personal name
Grammatical Categories: indeterminable

Morphemic Analysis: unknown
Phonemic Analysis: unknown
Meaning: abbreviation (?)


See the inscription page on problems with the reading.

The form may be an abbreviation of a personal name, cf. the numerous names in sen- in Delamarre 2007: 231 et passim.

Corinna Salomon


Delamarre 2007 Xavier Delamarre, Noms de personnes celtiques dans l'épigraphie classique. Nomina Celtica Antiqua Selecta Inscriptionum, Paris: Errance 2007.