Mommsen 1853

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Theodor Mommsen, "Die nordetruskischen Alphabete auf Inschriften und Münzen", Mittheilungen der Antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zürich 7 (1853), 197–260.

Author/Editor: Theodor Mommsen
Type: palaeographical study, numismatic study
Language: German
Used for: 28 pages (show list)


Section I:
Presentation of inscriptions and coin legends (tables I, II, III) written in the "North Etruscan" alphabets from north of the Apennines (thus, not really Etruscan). The author does not comment on the language of the monuments in question because he claims there is still insufficient information on these elements.

Section II:
Observations on the alphabets – eight varieties of North Etruscan alphabets are distinguished:
1) Salassi (and Provenza),
2) Todi,
3) Switzerland,
4) the Tyrol,
5) Styria,
6) Conegliano,
7) Verona,
8) Padova and Este.
Based on the presence or simultaneous presence of o and u, they are further classified:
"Westalphabet" (contains both o and u),
"Transalpinisches Alphabet" (only u),
"Ostalphabet" (only o). Mommsen also addresses the question of the Italic alphabets in general.

Section III:
Devoted to coins and their chronology.